View Full Version : Partypoker $250 freeroll?

09-01-2005, 10:41 AM
I played one of these yesterday, just for the heck of it and because I've never played any sort of multi table tournament before. Managed to finish in 23rd place out of 1900 players, and won a whopping $5, after perhaps 4 hours.

Not that I was surprised, I knew I wasn't gonna win anything much as I'd seen the payout schedule before I played... but I'd never play such a tournament again. Why do they even bother having a tournament where 1900 people chase after $250?

Heh, I never intended to be playing for 4 hours. I figured I'd play super loose and aggressive in the first 10 minutes, and either triple up my stack or be done and go watch tv. Damned if I didn't triple up, and then I wanted to play tight and protect my winnings... and 4 hours later, I'm thinking, "Ok, that was fun, but what the hell did I just waste 4 hours for to make $5?"

09-01-2005, 10:53 AM
same reason people travel to the cinema.. watch a POS film for 2 hours (dull their brain), spend $30 on beefburgers/coke for the family afterwards(clog their arteries)

They do it for enjoyment, even though its hardly benefitial in the life-stakes.

Not everyone plays poker to *maximise* EV

09-01-2005, 10:54 AM
Believe it or not, some people play for fun. If you have an afternoon to kill, freerolls are a good way to blow off some steam if you've been tilting and also maybe make a few bucks if you win about 20 coinflips in a row.

09-01-2005, 11:07 AM
It's a place to work on your tournament skills. Since money is involved, people have a modicum of desire to do well. Unlike completely free play-money tournaments where 4 out of 10 people at the table go all-in on the first hand.

Granted, player quality in freerolls generally suck, but it's still orders of magnitude closer to a real game than play-money tourneys.

09-01-2005, 10:47 PM
These are great. After six grueling hours, I placed second for 50 bucks in one of these. actually, my girlfriend did the real work and played the first 4 hours for me. Anyhow, I was in one of these because I was down to 88 cents on party. The 50 i won grew and now I have 2K on party and cashed out several times.
I guess it's like this - if you get busted, it might be better for you to build a roll out of nothing, instead of borrowing or "reloading." I think it changed the way I look at the game or something silly like that.
And these tournaments are great for blowing off steam.


09-01-2005, 10:51 PM
check out the reviews on www.bonuswhores.com (http://www.bonuswhores.com) they rate which of those 'freerolls' offer you the best value. i think the one at 10 in the morning is the best.. or maybe it's 8.. idk but morning for sure.