View Full Version : poll #2 yoko ono?

01-04-2002, 02:16 PM
so anyway i download a lot of crap with kazaa, and i downloaded 'ask the dragon' by yoko ono.

i like it.


i can think of a verse for poker,

'ask a fish, why hes winning so much,

and he says, dont know, im just doing it!'


what do you think, yoko ono underrated?


01-04-2002, 03:48 PM
Huh? Underrated? My vote in the poll is "Strongly Agree" with "Vastly Overrated."

01-04-2002, 04:07 PM
power to the people...right on!!!!!

hey my generation has soul..bring back the sixties..got high with shoulder length hair, but we had regular poker games in my dorm room...my roomate was so bad his nickname was "lucky", which has stuck..in fact one night he said he didn't have time to play so he'd just give all players 5 to 10 dollars and save the bad beats and frustration ,,,we all heartily agreed...lol...

anyway..all i remember of yoko ono's album or songs is they seemed more like screams and it was openly debated what john saw in here...purple haze can do strange things...gl..jmho..

01-04-2002, 05:30 PM

I don't want to revisit horrible childhood memories like Yoko but I was wondering what you think of kanza v audiogalazy v morpheous v the old napster.



01-04-2002, 09:21 PM
About 10 years ago, I was in Milan for a Trade Show. At the same time, there was a music festival there. Two very sophisticated people, about my age (I'm 48) took me to a restaurant where, sitting at the table next to us, lo and behold, were Yoko Ono and two wild and crazy looking male music video types 20 years younger than she.

These two sophisticated people, who have had private dinners with senators, ambassadors and governors, acted like children: ogling, staring, drooling. They thought she was the coolest thing in the world, the biggest star in the firmament.

I didn't get it then, don't get it now.

01-04-2002, 09:23 PM
My daughter (age 19) asked me a few weeks back who Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald were, and I told her they were the John Lennon and Yoko Ono of their day. She knew exactly what I meant. Sometimes people get more famous for being famous than for what made them famous in the first place.

01-04-2002, 11:49 PM

Jock itch is underrated, if you know wha I mean.

Remember, though, I think "Imagine" is the worst song ever written, so I might be slightly prejudiced in this matter.


01-05-2002, 01:16 AM
kazaa and morpheus are the same thing, i think.

i like how you can search for more sources and resume downloading a file thats halfway done.(on kazaa)

havent used audiogalaxy.

also supposedly you can use irc to get a lot of stuff.


01-05-2002, 05:12 AM
*Yoko Ono broke up The Beatles.

*Yoko slept with every one of them before settling on John.

*Ringo Starr doesn't know how to play drums, he just mimed playing. They got him for his Beatle looks.

*If you listen to Revolution #9 backwards - you will never be the same again.

*The Beatles have recorded an album's worth of tapes that were lost and contain tracks that would have revolutionised music, culture, world affairs and the solar system's orbits.

*George Harrison wrote most of the songs but the duo bullied him into signing away the credit and the royalties. (He was also the most cute.)

*If you go to the Shea on a totally peaceful day, you can still hear a faint echo of the girls' screams. (Hurry up though.)

*The Beatles hit their peak in their Hamburg days. It was all downhill from there.

01-05-2002, 03:52 PM
*Yoko Ono broke up The Beatles.

Don't blame it on Yokie!

*Yoko slept with every one of them before settling on John.

Since no one would ever admit to this, we'll never know.

*Ringo Starr doesn't know how to play drums, he just mimed playing. They got him for his Beatle looks.

John alway like Pete best.

*If you listen to Revolution #9 backwards - you will never be the same again.

Right after I did this, I stopped smoking dope and started playing poker.

*The Beatles have recorded an album's worth of tapes that were lost and contain tracks that would have revolutionised music, culture, world affairs and the solar system's orbits.

Stolen by the CIA.

*George Harrison wrote most of the songs but the duo bullied him into signing away the credit and the royalties. (He was also the most cute.

To smooth things over, Paul offered to let George take credit for Ob La Di Ob La Da, but he refused.

*If you go to the Shea on a totally peaceful day, you can still hear a faint echo of the girls' screams. (Hurry up though.)

Those are actually the screams of mugging victims carrying from Central Park.

*The Beatles hit their peak in their Hamburg days. It was all downhill from there.

True. For a while, it looked like Jan and Dean would be the icons of the 60's

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