View Full Version : Dreamin

08-28-2005, 04:20 PM
I just woke up from a strange dream. Basically, I was at work, and I got fired for valid reasons (mainly, browsing 2+2 too often at work). It was a lot weirder than that, though. Oddly enough, even though the dream was clearly unpleasant, and I was crying at the end of it when I woke up, I was disappointed when I realized that it was only a dream.

Made me start thinking about my dreaming patterns. I almost NEVER remember my dreams. Certainly not the details. This is the first time I know of that I can describe my dream in detail. I think had I not gotten up, and made an effort the first minute after waking up to remember the dream, I would have forgotten it. Not remembering my dreams makes me feel like 1/3rd of my life is wasted.

Also, my dreams seem to almost always be unpleasant (or maybe, these are the only dreams I remember). They are always very strange - with lots of stuff happening (every dream that is) that could never possibly happen in real life. Drastic changes occur almost instantly - but it always makes sense somehow in my dream. The best dreams by far are those that I realize that I'm dreaming. At that point anything goes. I remember for about a week or so this would seemingly happen every night, and I'd discover every night that I could fly if I wanted to. It was pretty cool. Usually though, when this happens, I end up having sex with some hot girl. It's never that good though, the woman always looks hot when it starts, but lots of strange changes usually occur (I will NOT say what she changes into). If it does ever start to get good, then I always wake up.

Anyway, am I really f'ed up or is this normal?

08-28-2005, 04:21 PM

08-28-2005, 05:04 PM
once i dreamed that i got fired from my job. the next day i got fired from my job in a very similar manner to the dream. that was weird.