View Full Version : Hands that Cant be Posted

08-25-2005, 03:00 AM
The post about how much information is really available made me think about the hands I never posted on the boards. I dont post every hand, certains hands I make plays that I really find perhaps too interesting to let others see. Not to be a jerk or nothing I do help people with their questions and discuss their hands and sometimes post my own, but certain hands I really dont want to post.

I dont want to post them because they reveal an interesting play I made that maybe I dont want others to see specially since they figured out the name I play with a party, I screwed up on a hand history post.

I dont know, I think im a jerk sometimes for not posting hands that reveal unusual plays I make. I dont know if its because they know my party name and they keep saying hi to me when I sit down since the pool of PLO8 players is really small and a lot of them read these boards that makes me uneasy about posting hands.

Anyway I was just wondering do you guys do this? Do you guys pick certain hands that you would rather not post because it might show something you dont want others to see? Or am I being just too paranoid? Sometimes I think I am, so I dont know, any help is greatly appreciated.

08-25-2005, 03:47 AM
Yes, you're being paranoid.

Many of the top posters, best players who came up through these boards have posted 'revealing' hands. There's really not much anyone with any history hasn't really seen/disected already on here. If not, the move will eventually come out.

Look at it this way, how often will that situation that you pulled one off really come up? Not often. Your game should be versatile enough that they will be putting you on many possible hands at a given time. If you're a decent player, your opponents that 'know' you will already know that you may be capable of doing something tricky. Goes with the territory. If they don't, they'll figure it out eventually. Again, the trick is not to be so 'definitive' in the move that it's obvious what you're doing.

You're not a jerk for doing it. But you're likely not as 'unique' as you may think. The only one your really hurting is yourself. This is the one place to let it hang out and run it up a flagpole and see who salutes it. You may find out ways to enhance it or other spots to use it.

Personally, I think responding to hands is much more productive than just posting them.

Hope this helps.


08-25-2005, 04:22 AM
If you're a decent player, your opponents that 'know' you will already know that you may be capable of doing something tricky.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know I think your right, I have a tight image because I am rarely caught bluffing because I really pick my spots well, but I think if they saw some of my moves it would keep them guessing I guess ill post a few of the more interesting hands. Also I never post bluff hands, I think this hurts me as they dont think im capable of it, which is something that I thought was pretty cool, allowed me to go on a stealing frenzy sometimes, lol.

08-25-2005, 02:06 PM
the hand poster changes all the names anyways so it doesnt really matter in the end.. your the hero and hes the villlian