View Full Version : Newest entry to online poker support.

MS Sunshine
04-07-2003, 07:02 PM
Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf will soon be looking for new employment. I suggest he look for something in the service field, perhaps in internet poker support. He doesn't seem grounded in reality, which helps in dealing with problems at some sites.

I heard he has a tropical shirt under his uniform and a ticket to Costa Rica already in his pocket. He has several potential sites to choose from, but having given his two weeks notice is willing to work to the last day with his current employer before making his final descision. This may be true in more ways than one.

I heard that KGC put the high bid in for his services, but he didn't like the climate(who wants to live in a hut in the winter besides me?) and he was no longer in the business of handling difficult customers of government entities. His days of sending a martyrdom service rep to a truth-based consumer to work out a compromise are over. Everyone needs to grow up and move on. He was open to negotiation on this, so Lorinda don't open the door to anyone with a count-down timer strapped to their chest quite yet.

Oh course, he is a natural for propoker.. "No we have no bots, just Koreon investors. I don't know why superpowers...I mean Paradise Poker, makes up lies like this. right here we have one of our investors playing one of his 72 hour shifts. He can't talk right now because he is so busy having fun at our poker site, but if he could talk he would say ..........", but he gets a dirty feeling dealing with these folks so this may not be it for him.

Where he would be most usefull would be a site that has software problems. Five hands an hour during a big-money event. 800 people want answers, with none to give, then Saeed is your man he talks long and he talks fast. "Are you sure that it is not YOUR computer. Everyone else sees that it is you that is holding up the tournament, and although you are favored customer if you don't play faster, your family will be shot. Can I help you in any other way? Have a nice day."

Some of the more cash-strapped site want to hire him on a temporary basis for cashout stalls. "Oh course, we have sent your $47 dollars I worked all day on it myself. I swear on the heads of my children that a PokerSpot check will be in your mailbox tomorrow."

Have a nice day.

MS Sunshine

MS Sunshine
04-09-2003, 03:45 PM
I love Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf's style. Never show weakness. Even your friends know you are lying, but you continue to lie with conviction. The pentagon should hire this guy, I know that they will not, but he is not reality-based, he could make the adjustment with no problem. He would have so much more to work with.

This guy is a company man. Hitler would kill for this guy. He gets demoted. No moaning, no bad beats, just thows himself into his job.

Oh course his msi-judgement of how things really are, might hurt him as an internet poker player.

MS Sunshine

04-09-2003, 03:50 PM
"Oh course his msi-judgement of how things really are, might hurt him as an internet poker player."

Well, he might not be a good internet poker player, but he would fit right in /forums/images/icons/smile.gif.