View Full Version : Having big trouble with BB...

08-24-2005, 01:01 PM
I havent played a lot of hands, but i Have noticed my BB is still horrible, and I am sure I can extrpolate the same trend no matter how many hands I play.. I dont know how to post images, so I am just gonna post my PT BB stats

VP$IP = 15.41
CC PFR% = 0.00
W$Ii this position = 10.48
Won $ WSF % = 20.50
Net Amount = (47.19)
Went to SD% = 28.00
won $ at SD % = 41.07
PFR% = 4.30

mind you.. its only like 300 hands or so...maybe I really do need to wait, but I still keep track of PT even tho I dont have a huge d-base of hands yet. I like to know whats going on... so whats going on? lol

08-24-2005, 01:08 PM
everyone is going to lose money in the BB.

300 hands isn't even close to enough to draw any conclusions from your stats.

08-24-2005, 01:10 PM
Dude -- you gotta play more hands. You're just not going to get a lot of information out of 300 hands worth of stats.

Edit: I actually misread your post -- so these are only your stats from the BB. OK, it's still not enough. And nobody makes money from the BB so don't worry about it too much.

08-24-2005, 01:11 PM
300 hands isn't enough to analyze any trends.

As for losing money from the Big Blind, it is pretty typical. Imagine if you limped every hand from UTG and then got to decide how to play it when it got back to you.

08-24-2005, 01:23 PM
Say it with me people - everyone is a loser in the blinds. Given that, I'm not sure if you're losing more or less than average.

08-24-2005, 02:09 PM
$47.19 lost from the BB divided by 300 hands = (0.15) per hand. If this is .5/1, that's not that bad.

08-24-2005, 04:19 PM
What is your fold BB to steal %?

At at 1/2 blind stucture, (.07) in the SB and (.15) in the BB are normal about normal range.