View Full Version : Ok Lets bring it out into the open,VC ,Hills Ladbrokes.

04-07-2003, 01:22 PM
HI Again
Mike lets do this.
To all sites.You must build public confidence.
There is only 1 question here .
!!!Do you want to compete!!!!
If you want us to pay for a service then provide a top notch service.
If the answer is yes emulate Ladbrokes simple as that.
Victor chandler were the subject of alleged Horse Race skull duggery expose on TV.They have also outsourced their support.Although I play there now and again I have little confidence in VC .If something is amiss VC can blame the outsourced company.I have no confidence in any company that can blame some 1 else.
VC if you want u have my number.
In VC’s defence I believe they are trying so the jury is still out.
Also they are running a very good wsop promo.
So VC will continue to get my support for the moment.

I have no confidence in whills as their software vendors have been widely alledged/reported to be crooked Kryptologic I believe they are called.
My ID on hills is THEKNACKER
I won some money on hills I then asked for my pin number to cash out they said its in the post ,only when I threatened them with my lawyer did they send me the pin number.But bye the time it arrived I had hit a loosing streak and lost my money (maybe coincidence)Also a friend of mine tried to cash out ,they said cheque is in the post a month later they claimed they had sent it to wrong address.
Now hills have 2 excuses ,they did not know about the software vendors and their ecash system is outsourced.
If you want public confidence you must be solely accountable
stand up and be counted.
follow celts 7 commandments
1 I buy in with my visa
2 I can call you on the phone with a problem
3) When i call you I dont want excuses ,I want my problem solved quickly
4) U telling me your site is straight doesnt cut the ice,prove it
5) I get my bonus etc without any sly moves on your behalf.
6) when cashing out ,I cash back to my cc ,my initial deposit + any winnings ,(no docs cheques,)(spot checks or any other bs ie we sent it to the wrong address and im still waiting a month later)
7) before you start giving excuses why any of the above cannot be acheived ,I currently receive this kind of service from 2 sites.
you all have my number.

celt _^.^_ meow purrrrrrrr (my friends call me pussy)