View Full Version : Zee, Phat Mack and Christmas Assignmnent

12-24-2001, 10:01 PM
I want to thank Phat Mack and Zee for their Christmas reading assignments. First for Zee since he probably doesn't remember giving one. Since the thread about investing my wife and I have been looking at real estate again. Long before the thread came up we thought seriously about investing in some real estate. I read a few things and we consulted with some people and even got pretty far along in negotiations for our first investment property. But the sale fell through and we kind of let the whole idea go to the back burner. Since the thread I bought another book on real estate investing and we have started to look at properties again. We'll see if anything comes of it, but now that we have a little cash to invest (and plenty of credit to get in trouble with) we just need the incentive. Ray's quote in the thread was powerful when he said, "when I decided to get rich..." That line packed a lot of information in a small space when you think about it. Thanks Ray.

As for Phat Mack's assignment, I am pretty illiterate, at least in that I am not well grounded in good literature. Yes, I have read a few things but not as much as I should have. A misspent youth I suppose. So I looked into his assigned authors. I had read one Dahl book long ago and didn't remember it. Chas. Addams didn't really seem to strike a nerve. Gorey, however, looks to be right up my alley. I had only seen the Gashleycrumb Tinies by him but remembered I thought they were hilarious. When I read he did a very funny book about brutal murders I was on the hook. There's nothing like a grisly crime for entertainment value. (Please don't flame away, I have seen the real thing and know how bad it is. I am appropriately sensitive and caring in real life but don't tell Poker Veteran.) Anyway, I have not yet read my Gorey, except for some stuff on the internet, but I will and I will be better for it. Thanks Phat Mack.

I also forget if it was NateDogg or KJS who talked about Bukowski recently. I had always meant to read something by him and never had. So I bought one and am reading it and liking it during this holiday season. Yeah, I'm a sick pup. Thanks both of you even if it was only one of you.

And there's a lot of other information on these forums that is worth a lot. Whether it is about how to make money at poker, other gambling games, investing, or getting more out of other pursuits like music and books, what is discussed here can make your life better. That's pretty unusual in this world and certainly unique enough on the internet. The people who post here are very smart and have a lot to offer. Seldom can you find a place where there are so many people who can discuss things intelligently. That is very nice, particularly for those of us who live in the middle of nowhere.

So thanks all who post here. I wish everyone Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year. My New Year will be happier and more prosperous because of the posters here.

12-25-2001, 03:56 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE>I also forget if it was NateDogg or KJS who talked about Bukowski recently. I had always meant to read something by him and never had. So I bought one and am reading it and liking it during this holiday season. Yeah, I'm a sick pup.</BLOCKQUOTE>

My favorite Bukowski:

The one where the ducks keep disappearing from the pond across the street from their flop house;

The one where he takes his inflatable doll to the gas station to air her up;

The one about Kid Stardust.

Merry Christmas!