View Full Version : PT Table Stats

08-21-2005, 04:17 PM
I have PT and Gametime and I wanted to start using them to improve my table selection. Could someone tell me basically what range of numbers to look for in terms of a table's
vpip, pfr, etc?

W. Deranged
08-21-2005, 04:21 PM
Obviously a higher table vpip is better than a lower one. I'm comfortable with a table in the 22%+ kind of range, though you'd really like something in the mid to high 20s or better.

Table stats are misleading, though. A table full of 9 other players with 25% vpip may be significantly less profitable than a table with a bunch of rocky 13-20% types and then a couple of players who play 40-50% of hands. I'm happy to sit at tables with like 18% vpip if I have a total moron 75% guy on my right that is funding the table.

So I'd say look at table stats but look more closely. Build a buddy list and look for weak players, preferably in positions favorable to you. Then you'll get into the real heart of good game selection.

08-21-2005, 05:44 PM
Depends on the level. At 2/4 I take notice of tables above 28% Vpip.

What I do is open up 4 tables, with PT and PV running, and join the waiting lists. I'll only join a table when offered if there are 2 or more 40+ vpips, or if I can take a seat to the immediate left of a loose (fishy) player.