View Full Version : 40 y/o virgin review

08-20-2005, 10:40 PM
the 89% on rottentomatoes can be misread. it just means that 89% of the reviewers liked it more than they disliked it, it doesn't mean it's the second coming of comedy christ. it's an easy movie to enjoy so it makes sense. it had some funny moments and a decent story. a little bit too long, but it didn't wear out its welcome.

steve carrell (sp?) should be able to parlay this into a "real shot". he did well more or less carrying the movie, and i think he'd do very well in "dramas with lots of comedy". it's not like an ace ventura type "holy [censored], we've got a STAR on our hands!" type thing though as some of the reviews might have you believe. if his next movie does well he could make a name for himself though. i do hope that he strays into more dramatic roles, though.

it was a worthwhile way to spend the afternoon. i still think the wedding crashers has more staying power. this one is more general audience though with the cute subject matter, even though there is a healthy amount of filth/pig behavior in it. if the movie's appealing enough to you for you to buy a ticket, i suspect you'll like it.

it was also nice to see catherine keener playing a non-c**t role.