View Full Version : more on college

12-10-2001, 07:33 AM
JV wrote "Now if I hadn't gone to college, and gone straight into the job market after college, I would have 75000 plus I would have four years of salary and advancement. Now, I know statistically this money is made up in terms of higher salary. However, I believe the only reason that this difference is made up is because the people that generally go to college are smarter than those that don't, and they have more ambition and are thus more valuable to employers. I was the valedictorian of my high school and had a I chosen to take the seventy five thousand dollars and invest it, gone to workplace, I would not only have been able to acquire a job at about the same level that I am going to get coming out of college but I now would have four years of experience under my belt, and who knows what possibilities."

I think a lot of it depends on the career path you are planning on. Clearly if you want to be a doctor or a lawyer you need to have the education. If you're more the entrepeneur type then you may not need college. I don't think you can parallel the kinds of jobs you can get without a college education to those that you can get if you went to college and did really well.

In regards to getting a job at the same level you could have without going to college, you may be right from a $/hr point of view in your first year, but not in type of job or salary a few years out. I graduated from a good school in 99 and most of my friends have jobs that you must have a college education to get.

Those of us who were interested in persuing a job that was financially rewarding started out at around the $50K mark, but the industries we've gone into allow for salaries to go up very very fast. After 2.5 years out of school almost all are making over 100K and some are even making over $200K. I doubt most of my friends could be making that kind of money without a college degree.

how many years do you need to make 100K-200K after college to make up for forgone wages of 4 years. not too long. now i realize that this is not typical for a college graduate but I believe that if money is your cheif concern and you are bright enough to finish in the top 10% of your class from a good school that this is a real posibility and that doors will be opened that otherwise could not be.
