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12-08-2001, 03:28 PM
I see that you list "the stock market" followed next by "other gambling games"

are you sending a message?????

12-08-2001, 03:47 PM

Funny(?) story. Several years ago I was a subscriber to the Wall Street Journal. They perodically have an advertising section which consists of a list of mail order catalogs. I wanted to put a small ad in for ConJelCo. After talking with the sales rep it became clear that I could afford to try a test ad for one region of the country. I was all set to do this when the rep asked me what I sold. I said "books, software and videos about gambling". The rep replied "we don't run ads having anything to do with gambling."

I pointed the rep to the second section (this was in the days of a 2 section WSJ) and said "what do you call these big ads advertising 12.7% annual return...but past performance does not guarantee future performance?" He replied that his hands were tied.

I eventually wrote a letter to the publisher about this hypocracy. I never heard back from them and subsequently canceled my subscription. (I would have eventually anyway...I can't stand their politics.)


12-08-2001, 10:32 PM

12-08-2001, 11:25 PM
Chuck, I'd rather read 2+2 forums than the WSJ as they are more informative than the latter which encourage speculationsin companies most people know little about.

12-09-2001, 01:43 AM

12-10-2001, 12:48 AM
yes, and last night some other fellows and I were TRADING chips.....and I assure you that two of them were doing damn little gambling!!!

12-11-2001, 10:35 PM
Heh. Casinos just don't like competition. Doesn't matter if you're the biggest one - you still don't like competition from the littler ones.

Regards, Lee

"We don't run ads having anything to do with gambling." -WSJ

My new favorite quote.