View Full Version : Flop seen %

08-10-2005, 04:05 PM
I just made a new account on Empire Poker in july and i started with a $100 bankroll. I played 5s first and crushed them for the 20+ of them i played. My ROI% was +50 so with about a bankroll of $175 i moved to the 10s and everything was still going well i played 18 and i had 3 1st 3 2nds and 5 3rds. then one night i play a 2 sets of 4 and didn't place in the money. I continuosly went down for hte next 50 or so 10s. I felt like i couldn't win any and just tried to get in the money. I tried to examin my play and the only thing i found was that my seen flop % was a little high. So i was wondering anyone with poker tracker or any software that keeps stats on hands played what is a good Seen Flop% for sngs.

08-10-2005, 05:30 PM
welcome. do yourself a favor and read the FAQ stickied at the top of the forum.

Flops seen isn't really a very viable stat in SNGs since in the early levels you are playign very tight and in the late levels you are either pushing or folding.