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View Full Version : Moving up limits

08-08-2005, 08:49 PM
I have a student who has currently moved from .02/.04 to 2/4 in about 2.5 months. I'm wondering what sort of path he should take.

2/4 >> 3/6 >> 5/10 short >> 15/30 ?

comments and first hand experience appreciated

08-09-2005, 07:16 AM
What's the question? I'd say move up in a linear fashon and take your time!!! Whats the rush! Once you hit 1/2 you are STARTING to play real poker.

I know I know 20/40 is differentthen 1/2 but you ar no longer seeing 50% flop wars.

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08-09-2005, 09:31 AM
I think you get him to 3/6 full and let him get used to the bump in tightness/aggression because, as I remember, 2/4 to 3/6 is significant. Assuming he's as risk averse as the rest of the SS forum, this gives him a big enough roll to play in small stakes games live everywhere (4/8, 6/12, etc) and he can start enjoying live poker as well as making not-insignificant money online.

After that, seems to me that he's on his own. Playing short, trying to play bigger--these are things that aren't for everyone.

08-09-2005, 10:25 AM
after 5/10 6max, hit up 10/20 6max. When he's done with 10/20 the games higher up may have different textures than they currently do. If he makes it far, he'll probably have a good idea of where to move up anyway.

08-09-2005, 12:25 PM
Why not mix in 3/6 6max?

08-09-2005, 12:54 PM
I went .5/1 through 5/10 incrementally.

I agree with going to 3/6 full for sure. After that if he wants SH experience I would have it be at 3/6 6-max as opposed to 5/10 6-max.

BTW, I think it is a mistake to skip 5/10 full. As far as I am concerned the game is probably a good crossover to the medium limits.

The thing about 5/10 full is that there are many 35/7/1.5 types. Who although loose PF, actually have an agenda after the flop other than calling to the river. From what little I have heard about 15/30 and up, this type of player is fairly common. Learning to extract value from those players at 5/10, would be easier than adjusting at 15/30.

My take on SH, play is that I really do not enjoy the 6-max games. However I recognise the the value as a learning tool. So what I have been doing for SH experience, is joing short full-tables or sticking with a broken table (if the player mix is favorable). I find these situations softer than the actual 6-max games. Often times when you get 3-handed with the right people you can rip them up pretty good before they adjust.