View Full Version : French or Freedom Fries?

03-14-2003, 03:03 PM
What's all this in the news anyway about renaming french fries freedom fries in the US.

Why not get Tony Blair in as mediator and we'll get everyone to call them chips, gor blimey me old cocker, wot mate..!

Brown sauce, anyone..?

03-14-2003, 03:42 PM
I note they've already done this in the ccongressional dining room. Most of the congressmen and senators I see shouldn't be eating french/freedom fried or french/freedom toast anyway. There's got to be some reason why Ted Kennedy weighs 4,000 pounds. Let 'em serve plain baked potatoes with non-fast cottage cheese and we'll solve a lot of problems in one fell swoop.

03-14-2003, 03:48 PM
...surely if ted kennedy weighs 4000 lbs, then he's already non-fast andy.... /forums/images/icons/grin.gif

03-14-2003, 05:52 PM
I think in some places french fries were called german fries before WWI. The name was changed to french fries since we went to war against Germany. Not sure if that's true, but I have heard that. So taking away the name of a food when we're having problems with a country isn't new.

As for brown sauce, well, um, maybe you have to grow up with it or something. /forums/images/icons/confused.gif

03-14-2003, 06:21 PM
You're right, it's not new, since frankfurters became hot dogs as well (WWII?).
Don't know why hamburgers escaped the nonsense of renaming food.

I'm pretty sure french fries are actually considered to be of belgian origin, originally. Perhaps somebody went to war with Belgium over something...but that would be strange since they're generally an unassuming country that makes good beer.. /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

brown sauce - it's a wee bit like A1 sauce; good with frenc...germ..belg...err...chips.

03-14-2003, 06:51 PM
I have been exposed to brown sauce. That's why I said you had to grow up with it. It's not like A-1 because A-1has a name and admits to being primarily a steak sauce. Like at a mediocre to bad steak place when they ask if you want steak sauce. You can say, Yes, A-1, or Heinz 57 or whatever. Brown sauce hides it's name and doesn't say what it's for. And I think because it purports to be the all-around sauce with no name. The first time an English waiter asked me if I wanted brown sauce, I felt totally out of it. Brown sauce? WTF is that? I ordered the full English breakfast not a brown. So I knew the sauce wasn't named for what it went on unlike say, steak sauce. And plenty of sauces are brown or kind of brown, so which is it? Not knowing what to say I said yes. Then I even tried it. Eeeeeewww. And it wasn't just the disaster of a flight over and spending the night trying to sleep at Heathrow either. Brown sauce is something else. Some other Americans and I took our revenge by demonstrating the proper use of tabasco sauce on breakfast foods the following day. We were viewed as extraterrestrials or something for that. /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif

03-14-2003, 10:54 PM
I'm sorry, I didnt realise.

"Brown sauce hides it's name"
Not at all! There is only one - "HP" Brown Sauce". Hence your english waiter story.

Now, tabasco on eggs, there's a breakfast I like! And I love it - seriously! One day I'll meet you in vegas, baby, vegas for breakfast, Clarky.


nicky g
03-15-2003, 01:01 PM
They are indeed Belgian, and the best ones, and best sauces for them, can be found there.

Will Congress be naming the conscripts and civilians it napalms and cluster bombs "freedom fries" too? Hell, let's fry everyone in the name of freedom.

Phat Mack
03-16-2003, 05:37 AM
It saddens me to learn that you and HDPM are putting tobasco on your eggs. Try some Trapey's Red Devil. You'll never use tobasco again.

There, my good deed for the day,


03-16-2003, 01:22 PM
All the other sauces are mere pretenders. They can't match tabasco flavor. I won't eat sauces other than tabasco on eggs. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif