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View Full Version : Where to play??

08-03-2005, 01:58 PM
I started playing at pokerroom.com due to someone telling me about it a couple years ago, just playing with play money. In the last couple of months I started playing with a bit of real money. After picking up HOH, since then I have also read HOH2. I started out winning went up by 50% of my roll, but since then have been in a slow slide downhill. I mainly play the 6s sng's at pokerroom.com, occasionally doing the MTTs but find myself waiting on hands and getting blinded away by the fast (to me) blind structure.

I have briefly tried pokerstars and party but did not like the interface in comparsion to pokerroom. Are the blind structures much different? From reading here it seems those 2 have the highest fish count around, but for some reason whenever I have tried playing at either I just don't like the look or how it plays. I kind of like having the option of only using a kb if I feel like it. Are there any sites that look and have the interface like pokerroom.com but maybe have better blind structures?

Anyway thanks in advance for any advice.

DJ Sensei
08-03-2005, 07:21 PM
If you're a tourney player, pokerroom has the best blind structure for single table tourneys, although their MTT format may be a bit quick. I reckon pokerstars has similar tourney structure from the small amount i've played there and read from others. Partypoker has a faster structure for single table tourneys, but slower for MTTs (kinda weird). Either way, the players at party are probably the worst. I don't know of a site with a better interface than pokerroom though, but i think its more of a personal opinion than fact.