View Full Version : 6 max standards?(Low poker content)

07-30-2005, 08:57 PM
I just started playing 6 max and I am finding myself stick to full ring starting hand guidlines. I was just wondering what other 6 max players (I know there are a lot here) will play? How weak can one go here? Also, would it be recomended that bluffing for the most part is a bad idea at small stakes?

07-30-2005, 09:22 PM
depends totally on the postflop tendencies of your opponents. you need to gauge how good your implied odds are if you're playing mediocre hands. generally, i don't like calling raises out of position but i do play a lot of suited connectors/gappers when it's cheap especially in situations where the weaker opponents have deep stacks.

07-30-2005, 10:06 PM
There are no steadfast rules as many PF playing styles can work well. Personally, I will play and raise with just about any hand if the circumstances are right. Hands like AJ, KJ, and QJ which are highly suspect in full ring are pretty good hands in 6-max because of the reduced probability that you are dominated. Typically I will raise with these hands and call raises with them. Sometimes, depending on the opponent, I will even RR with them.

In 6-max I would say that the bluffing is more important because your opponents often don't have hands they feel comfortable calling with.


07-30-2005, 10:17 PM
semi-bluffing and bluffing are pointless if they are unlikely to fold a better hand. just because there are four less people at the table doesn't change much. I am more liberal with my continuation bets at 6max however.

I used to play 6max a lot looser then ring (like 19%vpip at ring and 28%vpip) at 6max but I tightened up to around a 23ish at 6max and I've had a lot more success.

This is mostly meaningless and very subjective.