View Full Version : BB/100 question

Vic Ferrari
07-29-2005, 03:32 PM
Ok I thought I understood this but I guess not:

When people speak of their online play and BB/100 hands -- is that a per table stat?

I always thought it wasn't. I thought PokerTracker doesn't care how many tables you are playing at once. It just looks at total number of hands?

If it's not true that the BB/100 is calculated irrespective of # of tables then one would really have to post his/her BB/100 in addition to the number of tables played.....to get any idea of his/her true win rate correct?

Thanks in advance!

07-29-2005, 03:42 PM
Your question doesn't make sense to me. BB/100 is big blinds per 100 hands; whether those 100 hands were played on one table, 4 tables, or 100 different tables doesn't change the meaning of 100 hands for a basis of comparison.

To put it another way, as you add each table, you're also adding the rate at which you consume hands. So if you're getting 50 hands/hr on 1 table, BB/100 means BB/2 hours. Add a second table. Now you're getting 100 hands/hr, and BB/100 means BB/hour of two-tabling. But if you want to figure it per table, divide by # of tables (2) and you're right back at 50 hands / (hour * table) and however many BB/(hour * table) you started with.

You certainly should track multi-tabling results separately from single-tabling results to know how much you're giving up by multi-tabling, because your poker ability will decrease as you add tables, but that's an unrelated issue. BB/100 means the same no matter how many tables you played to get those 100 hands.

But the short answer is, no, it's not a per table stat.

07-29-2005, 03:53 PM
To add to the unrealed issue - I actually got better when I added my 1st table. Made me tighten up a tad and took away a few leaks.

Vic Ferrari
07-29-2005, 04:17 PM
No that makes sense. Thank you. I wasn't sure if PokerTracker might have been validating by table name.

Anyone know what the on-line average is for # of hands played per hour for a full table?

07-29-2005, 04:47 PM
Your question doesn't make sense to me. BB/100 is big bets per 100 hands;

[/ QUOTE ]


07-29-2005, 05:07 PM
Oops. Thanks for catching that.

07-30-2005, 10:53 AM
Depends where you play.

Party Poker/skins about 63 hands per our
Crypto 44 hands per hour
B&M LIVe games 30 hands per hour (about).
UB - 80ish
BoDog - 80-90 at a full table.

Also depends on the Flop% of a table - the more players in a pot - the less hands.

Grinderswarehouse - NOT just another BLOG (http://www.grinderswarehouse.com)

07-30-2005, 12:49 PM
Edit: BB meaning big bet error already pointed out.