View Full Version : A Short-Handed Beat

07-27-2005, 10:35 PM
I'm pretty good at 6-max, I've only just started playing 6-max tables, but I've had experience in short-handed play in 10-handed tables that were close to breaking but didn't...

Playing .5/1 6-max NL on UB.

Table reads are that these guys won't lay down any pair they hit on the flop, especially top pair with a vulnerable kicker...I was in a hand where I had KT hit top pair on the flop and the guy didn't lay it down till the turn when I put in a 3/4 pot bet...he flips JT and three others instantly start saying that there's no way he should have layed that down, etc. etc. (which is great news for me!). A few hands later it was min raised UTG (same guy that layed down the JT and got flack for it) called all around to me in the BB wth JJ and I bet the pot ($12) get called by the UTG...I only have $24 or so left so I push and he calls...he shows A9s hits his A on the turn and I river a J...up to $90 now.

A few hands later I have QQ in the CO and MP calls, I raise the pot to $4.50button and MP call. Flop comes J84 rainbow, MP checks I fire $15 (pot), button folds and MP calls. Turn comes Tc putting two clubs up. MP checks, I fire pot ($45) he reraises me all in and I call my last $14. River is a 7c, he flips T8o for two pair and takes it down...thoughts?

I don't think that I really misplayed it...I couldn't check the turn, maybe I could have bet less and gotten away from the hand...but I wasn't going to bet less than $25-30 (2/3 pot) since there were possible straight and flush draws now...and my pot-sized bet pot-committed me for my last $14. Moreover, I actually had 8 outs for the river.

Let me know what you think.

07-28-2005, 02:22 PM
No responses?

07-28-2005, 02:29 PM
This is usually a limit forum. You'll get some better responses in SSNL.

I'll take a stab though. Your turn full pot bet is too much for such a vulnerable hand. I know you'd like to charge a draw as much as possible, but what drawing hands are you worried about that call your PFR? I'd either make a 1/2-2/3 pot bet on the turn and be willing to fold to a raise, or check the turn to keep the pot small and induce a bet from a J on the river. (but only if he's aggro enough to bet when he senses weakness).