View Full Version : Random concepts of advance play...

11-11-2001, 10:50 AM
It was suited, goes the cry for understanding when the raggidy hand hits the winners circle. Who are these justifier's of this incredible illogical nonsense. Why would a hand located in the double digit group of throw away hands, be playable because it's suited. A salesman dressed in a suit off the good will rack, wrinkled, food stained, who appears he hasn't had a shower in days, gives us advice. Do we take his advice and say well he was suited. Probably not, in fact our senses tell us to avoid this guy like the plague. But when a raise comes after them and they see the rags are suited. Well for these visually motivated Hold'em player's it's a sign from the poker god. Well you can't argue with success.

In the land of illogical logic one must be a progressive thinker. Always moving forward several steps ahead of your opponents. Like the paper, rock, scissor game, if you can out think the other guy, visualize his next move, you are on your way to a winning match. So lets take a trip down the road of illogical logic and see where fact meets the road of fiction.

First having the cards suited is by far the most narrow minded thinking possible. With only one suit to make a flush, a player has limited his opportunity to win. Does the concept of double suited escape your thought processes. With two kinds of flushes available to the double suited hand more opportunities can present themselves. Forget about the hands that are called connectors again only one neighborhood of straights can be made. Get with the program big card little card can get a straight in two different hemispheres.

Stop throwing away those small pairs when an early position Rock raises, especially pocket duces and threes. Do you think a rock is going to put you on a set of duces when you hit the flop turn or river. No my friends, he will be flabbergasted at your brilliant play. There is no better way to get a good solid player to respect you, than to knock off his monster starting hand with a set of threes on the river. He will mumble to himself, my god this guy is a world class player or he has just gotten off the phone with the Jamaican lady who reads the taro cards. You probably stated with the best hand anyway, most raisers from early position only have AK anyway.

Way to many players give up potentially great hands in the small blind when the other players return the bet to them capped. Here is where illogical thinking will win you a monster pot. When you have a bettor and three raisers there can be no doubt they all have pretty much the same kind of cards. You know the BIG CARDS! Your little cards double suited are live, while most of them are drawing dead because they each have the others cards. Never be afeared of this kind of aggressive playing. When you hit the river with the best hand they will think twice before they mess with your little blind again.

SPM,...uncovering the deeper game concepts...

11-11-2001, 11:39 AM

I have digested your series of advanced play concepts, Volume XXIV, and will never again denegrate a double suited hand.

As an addendum, you mentioned the association with Miss Cleo. Might I also point out a call to Mr. Kevin is often beneficial to the true believers.

Frank Donnelly

11-11-2001, 07:40 PM
i know, ive been trying to get mason to incorporate all these advanced concepts into the books but he refuses to see the light. he has just been running good the last ten or fifteen years so he hasnt seen what its really about. you spm, really do understand poker at its finest.

11-11-2001, 11:53 PM

It's a gift I can't explain. Mason is in for the rude awaking when he finally finds out, the cards have no respect for talent. But you know the old say those that can do those that can't teach. So I teach. In the end when the final bell rings the winners and the losers will all be six feet under. At least the losers will have gotten to play more hands.

SPM,...play long and prosper lower case man...