View Full Version : SNG Tracker Question

07-25-2005, 03:49 AM
My SNG tracker isnt pulling tournys off Empire but is working for other sites. I noticed that the watch I have running on empire has "Y" in the "iterate" column while on the other sites it has a "N". Does anyone know what this means, if this might be the problem, and or how to change this? Thanks.

07-25-2005, 07:33 AM
The iterate field defines whether it iterates all subfolders in the folder selected. You'll want this checked.

Not sure why your empire tournies don't work. Do a force import, then check in the console, are any files failing to import? If you try importing from the folder manually, does that work?

07-25-2005, 07:34 AM
When I do a force import from all watches, it only seems to work on the last one I have in the watches list, but it picks them up fine when I'm running it in-play so to speak from the first one. Again this isn't major though, I can just select 'from folder' as the watch is still in there.