View Full Version : Bad Players, Hand Charts and Long-Term Expectation

07-25-2005, 01:03 AM
It is often said that the "well" will run dry much quicker in NL cash games than it will in limit, therefore limit is a better game to learn long term.


in the games in which i play now (I'm a NL player) I would estimate that the majorty of players play fairly solidly preflop. the problem they have is playing too transparently, which can lead to massive EV mistakes on later streets due to the freedom of betting in NL. When i played limit, i was under the impression that the majority of my overlay came from simply playing better cards preflop than my opponents; this had many logical extensions, like that TAG play would always be superior in limit etc.

My question is this: given that such an overlay could be very easily overcome by giving the average fish a starting hands chart that would put him at VP$IP 19 etc. is the limit game also in danger of drying up? I guess my question boils down to the fact that, if i were a limit player, i would be worried about the mega fish busting and the "i play poker like a pro" fish learning at least a solid preflop game and thus eliminating a huge amount of the dead money out there for you all to win.

I know there are some great posters here, and i don't want this to come off as a "NL rules yeah get out of teh kidde p00l!" kind of post. I'd just like to hear the opinions of some winning players on such prospects for the future.


07-25-2005, 01:09 AM
just need some fps and it'll be fine.