View Full Version : "Legitimate hands" from The Theory of Poker

07-21-2005, 12:12 PM
What does Sklansky mean by “legitimate hands” in chapter 16, Loose and Tight Play, on the second paragraph of page 152? He states, "In a tight game, you bluff and semi-bluff more, but you tighten up on your legitimate hands."

Is he referring to strong starting hands or marginal hands?

07-21-2005, 12:37 PM
He means you may raise the turn with a flush draw + one overcard, but simply call with top pair/middle weakish kicker.

07-21-2005, 02:46 PM
he means specifically hands like AJ and AQ are not as valuable to raise with in a tight game since you will usually be called by better hands. In a very loose game something like AJ could be the best hand going into a raised pot (vs KJ and KQ if you pick a good enough game) so therefore you can loosen up your "legitimate hands" in a loose game