View Full Version : What Me Worry?

11-02-2001, 06:45 AM
I found the following article interesting and am posting a link.



PS Anyone got any SPF 9000 Sunscreen?

11-02-2001, 01:18 PM
Don't know about the sunscreen, but try cobalt blue glasses.

11-02-2001, 01:30 PM

I already have those /images/smile.gif .



11-02-2001, 04:25 PM
Yep. It's a real worry. Interesting to see the distinction between "atomic" and "nuclear." Here's a similar article:


11-02-2001, 05:41 PM
Below is a link to an article that appeared in Harpers a couple years ago. This teenager had almost completed building a nuclear reactor for his Boy Scout Merit badge. Truth is stranger than fiction.

11-03-2001, 01:48 AM

Years ago I remember reading an article where a Princeton grad student had the basic design in a thesis for a plutonium implosion type atomic bomb (the type used on Nagasaki). A big problem he faced was wrapping the plutonium core with the right type of chemical explosive to correctly implode the core. It takes an explosive with special characteristic to achieve critical mass and so on.

He calls up a defense contractor whom he figured worked on bombs. He gets right through to the right department and gets hold of an engineer or project manager of some sort. He told him he needed a product that would have X-Y-Z characteristics for a thesis he was writing. The engineer (maybe it was a chemist) told him exactly what he needed and that his company was one of the few that could make it. When he submitted his thesis it rang some bells and was immediately classified top secret and taken away from him.

Meanwhile, Saddam is shopping for the high-speed super accurate explosive triggers needed for such a bomb and Russia has tons of plutonium unaccounted for.

