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View Full Version : Mike "The Mouth".

07-17-2005, 01:24 AM
I have seen many posts on many forums, 2+2 and other poker sites Regarding the infamous Mike "The Mouth" Matusow.
None of which, to my knowledge, give Mike credit for being an amazing poker player.

I have been a cash game player only. I do not claim to be a tournament expert or even competitive player. I read this forum from time to time because I enjoy watching some of the tournaments and like reading "when available" intellegent discussion on the players and tactics. I provide this information only to make it clear that I am not an idol worshiping wannabe. I play cash games and only plan on playing cash games. I watch tournaments for obvious reasons i.e enjoyment. Little can be gained from true understanding of why many hands happen the way the do in "edited for television" Poker. So I do not watch for "knowledge gained" experience.

Having stated this; the point I am getting to is this. Mike Matusow is one of the most keen poker players in the game today. I will even say he can play to aggressive for his own good at times. That is the worst I can think of. His decision making is superb. For instance, I wouldn't have called off most of my stack against Raymer with a pair of 9's but he was right to believe he was ahead and had the courage to do it. That is what NL takes. He is not a DONK that is a call station. I am not going into history of his play. I just think that with all the opinions and worthless chatter you find in this forum at times somebody needs to give recognition to someone who isn't a "sentimental I want to be like him one day" player. If you people in this forum want to be better tournament players ( or even cash game) you should stop hating and start looking more closely at the person most people love to crack on the most. Mike has the mind the heart and the skill most lack to become big players in poker (cash or tournament).

Since he is so hated and I respect his play so much this thread is just to say Congratulations Mike, well played again.


07-17-2005, 01:28 AM
thanks for stating the obvious in so many words

07-17-2005, 05:01 AM
I don't think I have ever seen anyone on here claim Mike was anything but an excellent poker player.

07-17-2005, 09:36 AM
I have seen many posts on many forums, 2+2 and other poker sites Regarding the infamous Mike "The Mouth" Matusow.
None of which, to my knowledge, give Mike credit for being an amazing poker player. "

[/ QUOTE ]

The first sentence is a flat out lie if the second sentence is true.

07-17-2005, 10:24 AM
I for one, am a Matusow fan. Whether or not that classifies me as "an idol worshiping wannabe", I don't know. I guess that's up for debate. In my limited time as a member on these forums, I've seen some Matusow debate. None of it questions whether or not he's an excellent player. Nobody doubts his skill. The question is whether or not his "antics" are good for the game. Mike needs to work on impulse control.