View Full Version : Card Handling Question

01-02-2002, 04:18 PM
Okay, I understand that you're supposed to keep a hand or a chip on your cards when they're on the table so they don't get mistaken for being folded.

However, now I've heard somewhere that you're not supposed to pick your cards up, just sort of peel them back and look at the corners. Two questions:

First, doesn't this tend to mess up the cards? Do this a few times and the cards all start to be bowed backwards, right? (Or am I doing it wrong?)

Second, doesn't it seem like it's actually easier for someone next to you to see your cards if you do this rather than lift them up to your chest? Or is the fear of cheating that great?

01-02-2002, 04:36 PM
Yes, just peek at your cards. If the casino uses Kem cards they won't get bent. I play at one place that uses horrible, cheap, paper cards. These get demolished because players mishandle them. Even with these you can peek at the corners without permanently bending the cards if you just handle them lightly. Cards don't require a lot of force unless you are getting bad ones. Then they must be punished. :-)

01-02-2002, 06:48 PM
Put your chips in a row towards the center of the table and slightly to your left. Slide your cards to the right side of stacks and bend the lower left corner of your cards. No one will see your cards. With just a little practice it will be second nature. You don't need your left hand so drink a beer at the same time if you like.