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07-16-2005, 02:50 AM
After MM had his KKK cracked by flush.

When I walked into the bathroom and waited for an open urinal, Raymer and Hellmuth were talking. Hellmuth pisses with his sunglasses on. Raymer was nice to sign a few autographs after he washed his hands. Then Mike walked in while I pissing and stood next to me. Raymer left and Hellmuth washed his hands and talked to Mike.

Hellmuth: Hang in there Mike. You have chips. Plenty of chips. You got over $2M. Just play smart.

Mike: I told myself I wasn't going to play any big pots today early. And I played three. [censored]

Hellmuth: Tough spot in there. It's hard to lay down Kings preflop like that.

Mike: The guy next to me said he folded two hearts too. Can't believe it. I flopped a set too. [censored].

And yes, Mike didn't wash his hands as he left.

[/ QUOTE ]

07-16-2005, 03:03 AM
this is a great post

07-16-2005, 07:07 AM
this is a great post

[/ QUOTE ]

Sometimes my sarcasm detector is -EV, but I liked it.

07-16-2005, 07:20 AM
I wonder if casinos ever wash their chips, there should be alot of things on them not very healthy.

07-16-2005, 09:01 AM
I'm pretty sure they do... I've seen documentaries where they wash the cash and coins, so why not chips as well?

07-16-2005, 09:28 AM
Taj don't.

07-16-2005, 11:27 AM

Taj don't.

[/ QUOTE ]

the white horseshoe chips were the most disgusting things i have ever seen.

07-16-2005, 05:38 PM
I wonder if casinos ever wash their chips, there should be alot of things on them not very healthy.

[/ QUOTE ]

if they wash them, it's only to make them look and feel clean... they cant possibly wash them often enough to actually keep them clean of germs and stuff.

Jordan Olsommer
07-16-2005, 05:51 PM
And yes, Mike didn't wash his hands as he left.

[/ QUOTE ]

Logically, not washing his hands does not present any problem assuming a) he didn't piss on them, and b) his junk is clean. Men usually wash their hands after they piss because it just seems unsanitary not to, when in reality it is perfectly fine to the best of my knowledge. People are full of anomalies like this, though - for example, most men wouldn't dream of not washing their hands after they use the bathroom, but also wouldn't dream of washing their hands after they handle money, which as far as sanitariness is concerned is way worse.

N.B: I wash my hands after I piss. Mostly to shut other people up about it though.

07-16-2005, 05:56 PM
After MM had his KKK cracked by flush.

When I walked into the bathroom and waited for an open urinal, Raymer and Hellmuth were talking. Hellmuth pisses with his sunglasses on. Raymer was nice to sign a few autographs after he washed his hands. Then Mike walked in while I pissing and stood next to me. Raymer left and Hellmuth washed his hands and talked to Mike.

Hellmuth: Hang in there Mike. You have chips. Plenty of chips. You got over $2M. Just play smart.

Mike: I told myself I wasn't going to play any big pots today early. And I played three. [censored]

Hellmuth: Tough spot in there. It's hard to lay down Kings preflop like that.

Mike: The guy next to me said he folded two hearts too. Can't believe it. I flopped a set too. [censored].

And yes, Mike didn't wash his hands as he left.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

You stole this from the Tao of Poker, at http://taopoker.blogslot.com. Shame on you for not attributing it -- Pauly works hard to put his WSOP reports together, and here you go freerolling on his work.

Jordan Olsommer
07-16-2005, 06:01 PM
and here you go freerolling on his work.

[/ QUOTE ]

in OP's defense, I think it was just a simple mistake - he quoted the text, after all. If he had wanted to represent it as his own, I don't think he would have done so.

07-16-2005, 06:03 PM
and here you go freerolling on his work.

[/ QUOTE ]

in OP's defense, I think it was just a simple mistake - he quoted the text, after all. If he had wanted to represent it as his own, I don't think he would have done so.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough. Maybe freerolling was the wrong word on my part. Thing is, he didn't attribute it, so who knows where it came from. I know where, since I read it last night, but others wouldn't. He needed to make it clear that he wasn't quoting one of his own other posts, and that he was in fact quoting Pauly's blog.

Jordan Olsommer
07-16-2005, 06:04 PM
and here you go freerolling on his work.

[/ QUOTE ]

in OP's defense, I think it was just a simple mistake - he quoted the text, after all. If he had wanted to represent it as his own, I don't think he would have done so.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough. Maybe freerolling was the wrong word on my part. Thing is, he didn't attribute it, so who knows where it came from. I know where, since I read it last night, but others wouldn't. He needed to make it clear that he wasn't quoting one of his own other posts, and that he was in fact quoting Pauly's blog.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree.

07-16-2005, 06:07 PM
People usually wash their hands in a bathroom because the equipment to do so is readily available. Your hands gradually get dirtier from touching germs throughout the day, not just from taking a piss. Think of it as a checkpoint.

You also pick up germs from flushing the toilet, assuming you do that.

Jordan Olsommer
07-16-2005, 06:13 PM
People usually wash their hands in a bathroom because the equipment to do so is readily available. Your hands gradually get dirtier from touching germs throughout the day, not just from taking a piss. Think of it as a checkpoint.

You also pick up germs from flushing the toilet, assuming you do that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very good point - my point was simply that the act of taking a piss isn't anywhere near as unsanitary as people make it out to be. For example, if you for some reason came back from the bathroom to tell the people with whom you are dining that you didn't wash your hands, odds are that nobody will say "gross! how could you miss your checkpoint?"

07-16-2005, 06:15 PM
Correct, I agree that it's nowhere near as unsanitary as people say. Urine is sterile, but that doesn't mean I'll piss on my hands before a meal. Most people wash their hands before a meal anyway. I rarely ever wash my hands. I'm grimey.

07-16-2005, 06:22 PM
I agree... the act of pissing does not make your hands dirty, however, it is good to wash your hands several times a day and by washing them when you use the bathroom it helps keep your hands clean overall, which helps reduced disease, etc...

07-16-2005, 06:32 PM
Logically, not washing his hands does not present any problem assuming a) he didn't piss on them, and b) his junk is clean. Men usually wash their hands after they piss because it just seems unsanitary not to, when in reality it is perfectly fine to the best of my knowledge.

[/ QUOTE ]
The best of your knowledge is woefully inadequate in this particular case.


Jordan Olsommer
07-16-2005, 06:38 PM
But you know this (or at least you ought to). What you may not know is that washing will not make the coliform bacteria go away. They're holed up in the pores of your skin and nothing short of sandblasting--certainly not your morning shower--is going to get them out. Showering merely gets rid of the ones that have strayed onto the surface. The bacteria won't do much harm if they stay put, but when you urinate your fingers come in contact with Mister P. long enough for the coliform bacteria in your pores to hop aboard.

[/ QUOTE ]

So wait a second -nothing short of sandblasting will get them out. Oh yeah, except simply touching the area with your hands. But no, a bar of soap won't work because the bacteria can tell the difference.

That sounds pretty far-fetched, don't you think? If that were so, you could get rid of all the coliform bacteria on your person just by feeling yourself up for a while and then washing your hands.

07-16-2005, 06:59 PM
But you know this (or at least you ought to). What you may not know is that washing will not make the coliform bacteria go away. They're holed up in the pores of your skin and nothing short of sandblasting--certainly not your morning shower--is going to get them out. Showering merely gets rid of the ones that have strayed onto the surface. The bacteria won't do much harm if they stay put, but when you urinate your fingers come in contact with Mister P. long enough for the coliform bacteria in your pores to hop aboard.

[/ QUOTE ]

So wait a second -nothing short of sandblasting will get them out. Oh yeah, except simply touching the area with your hands.

[/ QUOTE ]
Touching your privates doesn't make the coliform bacteria go away. It just transfers some of the bacteria on the surface of your genitals to the surface of your hands. But there are still plenty left around your genitals, both on and underneath the surface.

But no, a bar of soap won't work because the bacteria can tell the difference.

[/ QUOTE ]
A bar of soap can clean off the surface. It can't clean out all the bacteria that are holed up in your pores.

That sounds pretty far-fetched, don't you think?

[/ QUOTE ]
No, I just think you read it wrong.

If that were so, you could get rid of all the coliform bacteria on your person just by feeling yourself up for a while and then washing your hands.

[/ QUOTE ]
No you couldn't.

Jordan Olsommer
07-16-2005, 07:05 PM
Fair enough, although I'm still a bit skeptical seeing as how this guy offered no evidence whatsoever to support his claims, and I couldn't find any corroboration of them based on a cursory googling.

07-16-2005, 07:11 PM
Fair enough, although I'm still a bit skeptical seeing as how this guy offered no evidence whatsoever to support his claims, and I couldn't find any corroboration of them based on a cursory googling.

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It's Cecil Adams. You can trust him. If you're not familiar with his columns, skim the StraightDope archives:


Lots of good stuff there.

07-16-2005, 07:20 PM
From some of his other postings Straight Dope, the guy seems like kind of a clean freak. He might have just made something up to align with his world view. I too have googled and found nothing confirming this.

07-16-2005, 07:31 PM
And yes, Mike didn't wash his hands as he left.

[/ QUOTE ]

Logically, not washing his hands does not present any problem assuming a) he didn't piss on them, and b) his junk is clean.

[/ QUOTE ]I wash my hands before I piss, I've seen how dirty these old fat farmers are. I'd hate to get crabs from touching dirty chips, then handling myself.

07-16-2005, 08:21 PM
Fecal coliform bacteria is omnipresent. It is everywhere. On everything you touch, in every breath you take. Inside and out. Our bodies have lived with it for millions...well maybe thousands of years and have adapted. Unless you have grown up in a sterile bubble for the last several years and was recently released or you lick a toilet seat (or otherwise overdose on coliform) it will not hurt you.

07-16-2005, 08:30 PM
Logically, not washing his hands does not present any problem assuming a) he didn't piss on them, and b) his junk is clean. Men usually wash their hands after they piss because it just seems unsanitary not to, when in reality it is perfectly fine to the best of my knowledge.

[/ QUOTE ]
The best of your knowledge is woefully inadequate in this particular case.


[/ QUOTE ]

The MythBuster guys on the Discovery channel did a test to see if leaving a toothbrush in the bathroom near a toilet causes fecal coliform bacteria to get on the brush. They found that it does -- but so does leaving a toothbrush in a completely separate room. The conclusion: some amount of fecal coliform bacteria is virtually everywhere. The question for handwashing after touching your privates is: Is there enough of it to pose a significant risk of infection? The fact there there does not seem to be an epidemic of fecal coliform infections among heterosexual practitioners of oral sex indicates probably not.

BTW, I advocate frequent handwashing, but mainly due to things other than your privates that you touch throughout the day (poker chips, door handles, other people, etc.).

Jordan Olsommer
07-16-2005, 08:34 PM

BTW, I advocate frequent handwashing, but mainly due to things other than your privates that you touch throughout the day (poker chips, door handles, other people, etc.).

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with this position 100%.

07-16-2005, 09:05 PM
Their are positives to peeing on your hands just ask Giants outfielder Moises Alou (http://slate.msn.com/id/2100652).

07-16-2005, 09:06 PM
The fact there there does not seem to be an epidemic of fecal coliform infections among heterosexual practitioners of oral sex indicates probably not.

[/ QUOTE ]
From the link I provided above:

"But the truth is you can catch lots of bugs via oral sex. Many of them are transmitted by, or have their transmission facilitated by, coliform or other fecal bacteria or, for that matter, fecal viruses. There's no point in stopping now though. You can catch most of the same germs from intercourse, kissing, or simply holding hands.

"For example, a common complaint among women is urinary-tract infection, which is often caused by sexually transmitted fecal bacteria. Research suggests these bacteria travel to the entrance of the vagina, get shoved in by the penis during intercourse, and then migrate to the bladder. In other words, the guy helps infect the woman with her own germs. (Doctors--male ones usually--blame this on the "woefully short" female urethra.) It seems likely oral sex could accomplish the same thing, but for a given infection there's no way to tell.

"It's rare that a specific sexual practice is associated with spreading germs, but there are exceptions. About 20 years ago clinicians began noticing what has come to be called "gay bowel syndrome," a collection of intestinal and rectal complaints that frequently plague gay men. Many of these illnesses stem from infection by fecal bacteria following anal sex--specifically, anal intercourse, analingus, and fellatio following anal intercourse. Some heterosexual couples (estimates range from 5 to 27 percent) also engage in anal sex, and they're at risk too.

"The question is how much risk. The answer is probably not much, unless they're unusually out there sexually. A key factor in gay bowel syndrome and in the spread of STDs generally is multiple sex partners, which exponentially increases your exposure to infection. In contrast, monogamous couples, whether gay or straight, soon achieve "homeostasis"--they've swapped germs, didn't come down with anything, and thereafter coexist in a state of microbial equilibrium. That's not to say they're germfree; they may simply be "asymptomatic carriers" of some bug that doesn't make them sick but that might lay low an outsider. Granted, the danger isn't very great, but it exists. I was just reading in the Harvard Medical School Health Letter about a 51-year-old guy who learned that hepatitis C had destroyed his liver. He'd had no previous symptoms, but the kicker is that he'd contracted hepatitis C 46 years before. Hepatitis C isn't transmitted by fecal bacteria; my point is that just because you don't think you have anything doesn't mean you don't. Thus the apparent paradox: you can frolic with your honey all you want, but you still have to wash your hands after using the pot."

Easy E
07-16-2005, 11:03 PM
I agree- I didn't attribute the quote to anyone but the OP, even though I noted the quote box.

07-16-2005, 11:09 PM
After MM had his KKK cracked by flush.

When I walked into the bathroom and waited for an open urinal, Raymer and Hellmuth were talking. Hellmuth pisses with his sunglasses on. Raymer was nice to sign a few autographs after he washed his hands. Then Mike walked in while I pissing and stood next to me. Raymer left and Hellmuth washed his hands and talked to Mike.

Hellmuth: Hang in there Mike. You have chips. Plenty of chips. You got over $2M. Just play smart.

Mike: I told myself I wasn't going to play any big pots today early. And I played three. [censored]

Hellmuth: Tough spot in there. It's hard to lay down Kings preflop like that.

Mike: The guy next to me said he folded two hearts too. Can't believe it. I flopped a set too. [censored].

And yes, Mike didn't wash his hands as he left.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

you left out the part where they discuss which "feminine hygeine products" they prefer

07-16-2005, 11:32 PM
Yeah, I was surfing so much yesterday, I just copied it from a blog becasue I thought it was interesting. I wasn't implying it was me writing this report from the WSOP. Anyway, yes it was from Tao Poker.

07-17-2005, 02:27 PM
is anyone else concerned about doing the chip shuffle now?

how often to casinos/pr wash their chips?

07-17-2005, 04:01 PM
"...my point is that just because you don't think you have anything doesn't mean you don't. Thus the apparent paradox: you can frolic with your honey all you want, but you still have to wash your hands after using the pot."

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, I read this. Cecil commits the fallacy known as argument from ignorance; in essence, he demands that you prove that you DON'T have a fecal coliform bacteria infectiom if you are to refute the claim that touching your privates requires handwashing. This is clearly absurd; the onus is on Cecil to prove that the risk of infection is non-negligible. He fails to do this; nor -- as opposed to the Mythbusters -- does he cite any actual experimental evidence in support of his conclusion.

Cecil is inconsistent in another way: If, as he claims, you are in a state of homeostatis with your lover's germs, why would you not be in a similar state with your own germs? AFter all, you are in contact with yourself much more than with your lover.

07-17-2005, 04:04 PM

07-17-2005, 06:04 PM

You are incorrect, urinating in modern bathroom facilities causes tiny sprays of urine and water to be slashed up to 6ft from the point of contact/impact.

Your hands are usually thinly coated with such spray, but you don't feel it because the sprays are so tiny to begin with.


07-17-2005, 08:51 PM

You are incorrect, urinating in modern bathroom facilities causes tiny sprays of urine and water to be slashed up to 6ft from the point of contact/impact.

Your hands are usually thinly coated with such spray, but you don't feel it because the sprays are so tiny to begin with.


[/ QUOTE ]

assuming the arguement is still on bacteria: since your urine is sterile, it isn't going to infect your hands with some mysterious bug that was already present in your urinary tract. the only danger i see here is if there was some small residue of something infectious lingering on the urinal. so follow me here:

a small amount of some infectious bacteria is on the urinal. Your urine causes a small amount of this to dislodge and spray out, and a small amount of that spray actually lands on your hands. When you go to eat later, a small portion of the small amount that is still left on your hands and still alive after doing whatever daily activities you perform between pissing and eating is transferred to your food and ingested. This extremely diluted sample of the original bacteria living in the urinal probably isn't dangerous enough to keep you up at night.

Although i do agree with the checkpoint theory, there are probably bigger things in life to worry about.

07-18-2005, 12:55 AM
Your hands are usually thinly coated with such spray, but you don't feel it because the sprays are so tiny to begin with.

[/ QUOTE ]

Speak for yourself Tiny Tim. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

07-18-2005, 01:26 AM
My penis is very large and requires excessive handling and manipulations to get into proper position. Because of this, I feel I need to clean my hands of any sweaty residue from my member.

07-19-2005, 03:33 PM
Cecil commits the fallacy known as argument from ignorance; in essence, he demands that you prove that you DON'T have a fecal coliform bacteria infectiom if you are to refute the claim that touching your privates requires handwashing.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's not what an argument from ignorance is, and it's not what Cecil said.

Cecil is inconsistent in another way: If, as he claims, you are in a state of homeostatis with your lover's germs, why would you not be in a similar state with your own germs? AFter all, you are in contact with yourself much more than with your lover.

[/ QUOTE ]
You are in homeostasis with your own germs. But the other players at your table aren't. So you're going to return to the table without washing your hands, handle your chips as you put them into the pot, then lose them to seat number four -- who will promptly die of hepatitis.

07-19-2005, 04:27 PM

You are in homeostasis with your own germs. But the other players at your table aren't. So you're going to return to the table without washing your hands, handle your chips as you put them into the pot, then lose them to seat number four -- who will promptly die of hepatitis.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what we like to call "dead money".

07-19-2005, 04:48 PM

07-22-2005, 01:33 PM

You are in homeostasis with your own germs. But the other players at your table aren't. So you're going to return to the table without washing your hands, handle your chips as you put them into the pot, then lose them to seat number four -- who will promptly die of hepatitis.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what we like to call "dead money".

[/ QUOTE ]

POTD...that may lead to a new dimention in poker...you may have busted me out....but you now have gonnaherpasiphilaids. Have a nice day. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

07-22-2005, 01:45 PM
And yes, Mike didn't wash his hands as he left.

[/ QUOTE ]

Logically, not washing his hands does not present any problem assuming a) he didn't piss on them, and b) his junk is clean. Men usually wash their hands after they piss because it just seems unsanitary not to, when in reality it is perfectly fine to the best of my knowledge. People are full of anomalies like this, though - for example, most men wouldn't dream of not washing their hands after they use the bathroom, but also wouldn't dream of washing their hands after they handle money, which as far as sanitariness is concerned is way worse.

N.B: I wash my hands after I piss. Mostly to shut other people up about it though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just think of the process (at least for me):

Unzip with dirty hands
wash hands
check zipper as I walk out the door