View Full Version : TOC- Theory of Cocktails

10-28-2001, 06:50 PM
The poker room where I usually play has a new drink policy I think is counter-productive for the casino. I am thinking of writing or calling a member of the casino management about it, because I think it might be hurting the room some. The new policy is that only drinks with a retail price of 2.50 or less are comped. This leads to some stupid conflicts. Black Label Scotch (the best they have, sorry to say) is verboten, but Wild Turkey is OK. Heineken if on special is OK, but Corona is not. They won't back people up and only come around once in a while for drinks. I don't drink when playing, but did order a drink a couple of weeks ago to have as I quit the game. I was forbidden from getting what I wanted. I didn't like it after my wife and I gave them 14 hours play between us that day. Last night there was an argument between the poker room staff and the cocktail staff over whether a guy could have salt on the rim of his rotgut well drink. I couldn't believe it. Apparently the policy mavens don't know what the policy is or why it exists, as policy enforcers usually don't. Anyway, the policy seems to make people mad, me included. A lot of good games in the cardroom happen on weekend nights when people who like to gamble and have a few drinks choose to do so at the poker table. The people who most want to have a few and gamble it up are the most likely to be mad. It seems that there are fewer nights where they get several good games going, but I don't know if this is the reason. Last night the players had to conspire to get enough drinks to a guy who wanted to drink and have a good time. (He had a nice stack of chips, too.) I didn't have to help, but the players at his end of the table would all order him drinks so he could have a steady supply. It felt like a bunch of teenagers trying to buy beer with fake ID's.

I spoke to the poker room manager about it, as she has always treated me well and I suspected the problem came from upper management. She told me it was a new policy instituted in the casino, where all the departments are charged the actual price of comps against their earn. So giving too many expensive comped drinks can make the poker room look like a dog, and run the risk of the bean-counters shutting it down. I guess all casinos do accounting like this to write off expenses and to get an idea of what is making money, but this seems to be going too far. The cost savings to the casino can't be much, but the policy is making customers mad. And as is often argued, the poker room does bring in customers who gamble at other things. In the small group of players in this casino, I know it to be true. The poker players blow money in the pit, sportsbook, and machines. Anyone see this before? And if you did, how long did the room last? I know poker rooms can't give out lavish comps and I don't expect that. But differentiating between types of beer a player can have seems pretty petty to me.

10-28-2001, 07:32 PM
i agree but thats the rub of the green. ive seen this a few times and can understand a little as they do charge the poker room for the comps. one large room years ago got charged two bucks for each cup of coffee they brought to the room and wouldnt let the cardroom manager have a coffee pot. so the poker room didnt look too good bottom line. but the bar made lots of money.

10-28-2001, 10:57 PM

We pay for all drinks in the Mid West except coffee, pop, juice, and water. I don't drink, so it makes no difference to me.

However, I'd like to talk about my cousin, the High Desert Poker Man. He writes very long posts and responds to many posts with long answers. Why am I, the only one on word rationing?

SPM,...feelings hurt...cape draging on the ground...depressed...


10-28-2001, 11:02 PM
he likes dogs

10-28-2001, 11:12 PM
You don't drink? I pictured you in the cellar with a 12 pack. I also thought you where thin? You and Ray Zee need to try Zenadrine. Woops, strike that last thought. If you where on Zenadrine, the length of your posts would become astronomical. Stay away from the Z's, and try slimfast.

that is all,

dannyboy :o)

10-28-2001, 11:35 PM
OK, I'm a windbag. But I stuck up for the SPM when we had the vote on the Vince Forum. I will fight for your right to go on as long as you want. But if you are still depressed, I will let you kick my dog. /images/smile.gif

10-29-2001, 09:45 AM

I missed the vote on Vince or I don't remember it. I leave the basement go up stairs to get something but have no memory of why I left the basement. Short term memory shot to hell. Thanks for supporting me I need all I can get. Z is a word counter and he's on a mission to destroy me. I hear sounds in the basement and I think he's found me. Fear is a terrible way to live your life.

So you love dogs. The last dog I owned I trained him to do everything I said. He could be two football fields away from me and when I said come he came, always. The problem was the dog then thought I was his best friend. This was more than I could take, he would maul me when I got home. So I gave him to my brother. My son has never forgiven me.

SPM,...play long and prosper...

10-29-2001, 09:53 AM

I was once thin, and a skirt chaser. I am now on wife # 3, I can't afford another wife. Fat protects me from myself. It ain't easy maintaining this weight. You need to eat all the time, if I miss a meal I could drop a pound or two. However, they say my fingers are thin.

SPM,...play long and prosper...

10-29-2001, 09:43 PM
kiss the dog and kick the wife...lol..gl..you were the only one to answer my i love my dogs post and you will forever be a great player because of that...gl

10-30-2001, 12:37 AM
Why is it when I read your posts relating to dogs, my moronic dog is doing something funny at that very moment? As I read this post my dog howled at me because I stopped petting him. It was a friendly kind of howl, but he was very insistent that I continue to pet him. The last time my wife was screaming at him for getting muddy pawprints all over a white bed spread at the exact moment I read your post. Weird.

10-30-2001, 08:48 AM
lol, those pooches have us trained pretty well huh..lol..gl..they do have kennels in wendover don't they..lol..gl