View Full Version : The solution..

10-26-2001, 11:01 PM
It seems to me the best chance of stopping this murder is in Islam itself. If they are such a peace loving religon, then they should rid their nations of extremist, fundamentalist, phanatical slime. Yet they sit idly by while thousands of Americans are led to slaughter. They are neighbors with the terrorists, probably break bread with them. They need to clean up their house or it's death to all of them. We sure can't stop them. This war is going to go on forever unless the normal Muslim governments start cracking down. But then again, it may not go on forever. We have the power to stop this in the most extreme ways. Or, ISRAEL for that matter. They have enough nukes to wipe out the whole Middle East. lol I don't want that. I saw a great show on IRAN tonight, on MSNBC. The women are fighting back and getting educated, it's only a matter of time before the Muslims get with the 20th Century. But it better be soon, or death to you, in the name of ALLAH! yee ha You can all be Martyrs, how do like that! YOU LIKE IT ALOT!!! And that's pathetic. and

that is all,

dannyboy :o)

10-26-2001, 11:09 PM
You might want to re-title the post. That name has been used before.

10-26-2001, 11:29 PM
I'm not going to edit anything. The subject line is fine by me. I didn't mean to make any reference whatsoever to the holocaust.

I read Shirer's book, "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich". One of the best books I have ever read in my life. About 1500 pages, but well worth the time. Simply amazing.

that is all,

dannyboy :o)

10-26-2001, 11:54 PM
OK, but I take the current situation seriously, as I know you do. I don't think we should speak about nuking people in a lighthearted fashion, because I think it is very possible that nukes will be used before this whole situation is resolved. If we find bio-terror acts have been state sponsored, things could get very ugly. I also think an act of nuclear or radiological terrorism could happen. If it does, we might use nukes on someone too. And if it comes to that, some will say it is calculated genocide. It's just too serious to joke around about much, IMO.

10-27-2001, 10:35 PM

You have pointed out one of the major causes of state sponsered terrorism as well as terrorism financed by rich non-state sponsers like Bin-Laden:

The middle-classes in some of the Muslim countries are becoming too westernized, scaring some of the despots who rule them (on the one hand) who fear American freedoms will take shape in their countries; and the ultra religious fanatics on the other, who see themselves losing power over this arising middle class.

This battle over the hearts and minds of the Muslim middle and lower classes is the heart of the issue. It is why the propaganda used by the radical Muslims after the WTC bombing -stating that the bombing was done by Israel to frame them -- is so important to understand and to counteract. While I am very impatient that we are taking so long to get down to business in Afganistan, I think I understand why. And I praise our government for its patience and it's attempts at propaganda too.

At the same time, we must kick the living sh*t out of the Taliban as a sign to others that we mean business...and if we know that Iraq had any part of Sept 11 or Anthrax, they need to be next to show them we will not take any of their nonsense.

I think I am pretty calm. My friend Peter has this belief on how you stop future suicide bombers:

Once you know who did it, like Atta, the lead bomber in NYC, you kill their families. Everyone in their families. Will this stop future suicide bombers? Maybe he is right.

And I sure hope they do not get a nuke or smallpox over here. Both for us and for them. Cause while some of us will die, we will obliterate them, and many innocent, peaceloving, hardworking people who love their familes just as we do will die for no reason whatsoever.


10-29-2001, 11:54 PM
That's right, Al Queda assets should be eradicated. Online poker rooms should be seized. Americans doing gambling online should be prosecuted for aiding and abetting the enemy.