View Full Version : Not at Foxwoods

10-21-2001, 11:07 AM
Vince is not at Foxwoods this weekend. He's here. Not there. Not at Foxwoods. Should be. Could be. Wanta be. But is not there. Not at foxwoods. Vince is in amesbury. He's working. Been working. Hates working. But he's working. Had to throw away his tee shirt. Tee shirt said "Will not work for anything". Vince is honest. At least to himself. Sometimes. Couldn't wear the tee and be honest.

I have been working now for over three weeks. 3 weeks of toil for me. I'm in pain every night from being a working man again. I had to work yesterday. Saturday. Six days a week when you count working Saturday. That's a lot of days to work in a week. Not quite seven but six is still a lot. I'm working with a contractor. A building contractor. He contracted to build an apartment for my sister. He's converting two garages into an apartment. He and his crew started construction on this contract in April. April of this year. April is almost 7 months ago. Seven months to build an apartment. His crew quit on him in June right after the framing was completed. Long story. Not worth going into. Wouldn't sue. Couldn't sue. He's got nothing to sue for. Got a wife and two daughters. nough said. He said he'd get it done. Believed him. Believe him. He'slow. Very slow. Place is starting to look good. But it's not done.

My nephew asked me to stay until the construction was completed. I said o.k. Hey it's for my baby sister. She's in a wheel chair. She's a victim of Multiple Scleroris. I had to stay and help. You would. But I didn't agree to do any work, physical labor, hand dirtying. I only agreed to be around until it was done. He said it would be done in August. The contractor said that. Believed him. Then his crew quit. still believed him. Oh well. I was gonna leave after my nephew's wedding on September 29th. But the apartment wasn't done and I had worked for a week then. It should have bneen done but it wasn't. I should be in Arizona right now. Waiting for my oldest son to arrive on his epic journey accross America via canoe and mountain bike. I'm not. I'm not at Foxwoods either. I'm here. I'm working. I'm sanding wood. I'm caulking wood. I'm staining wood. I'm here, I'm working.

I'm not getting paid so that's some consellation. Getting paid is a sign or doing real work. I'm doing volunteer work. It's not the same. It's rewarding work. I like it when I finish something and it looks good. That's pay I guess. But not pay like when you get money.

Two weeks. Two weeks. If I hear two weeks one more time I'm gonna destroy all calendars everywhere. Two weeks is the estimate of work completion that I've heard for three months. I want to go on the road. I want to play poker. I'm getting old. My bones are starting to ache. My knee is all torn up. I'm not in great shape. Who you telling to stop whining! I'm only whining a little, anyway. I need to whine some. After all I'm here, I'm in Amesbury, I'm working. I'm not at Foxwoods.


10-21-2001, 11:51 AM
now that you have some carpenter skills ill hire you to put a new floor in my outhouse. messy but rewarding work.

10-21-2001, 12:49 PM
two tremendous rushes at just the right time...it'll happen....gl

10-22-2001, 07:44 PM
And Foxwoods was a less interesting place to be for the lack of your charming(?) presence. Also, you missed seeing me , John, Mark and who knows who else you missed. Oops! I was going to try and cheer you up. Keep up the good work. It should be done soon. My guess would be in about two weeks,

Hope to see your smiling face soon,


10-25-2001, 03:07 PM
Little buddy. They may wreck your knees, they may wreck your hands but they cannot wreck that spirit or heart and that is why you still are the class act. Hope to see you soon in Las Vegas. Keep up the good work and remember sometime in the near future you will get to check raise the Hosh heads up again.