View Full Version : Halo 2 new maps, quasi review

07-10-2005, 05:58 PM
Okay, so there are now 4 new maps out right now for free, and I felt like I would give a brief review on some of the new levels.

This level is straight up urban warfare, with tons of corridors, ledges, and rooftops to surprise attack people. Fun level thus far, at least for slayer. There is one car on the level, but I am not sure what good it does. Overall, I like this level so far.

This is a remake of an old Halo 1 map, and its fun. They put a lot of battle rifles throught the level, so it leads to a lot of mayhem, but because its open, its fun. A tad bit easy though for assault and CTF. The portals help out too much.

This is quite an open map as well, but it has a lot of nooks and rocks to provide cover. This map reminded me a lot of some other maps I have played in other FPS. Its fun for slayer, not sure how it would be with assualt. No cars on this level either.

I have only played this once, and it was a custom game. There are a lot of weapons, such as rockets, and snipers, and the level is enormous. I don't know if I like it.

07-10-2005, 06:19 PM
Ummm.... These are the old "new" maps. There are 5 more out now.

Relic and terminal are sweet.

EDIT: I suppose I should add my reviews.

Warlock - small, and open - slayer/rumble pit gets insane, w/ grenades flying everywhere. CTF is easy, assault is hard. Very nice for double team

Containment - big. Meh.

Turf + Sanctuary - I haven't played either of these much, as they haven't migrated into matchmaking yet. Turf is pretty hectic - I like it. Sanctuary is nice, but I have a feeling a good sniper could dominate.

Also, with the new maps, the cheaters ("modders" as they're called) are all over the place.

07-10-2005, 06:20 PM
Damn, 9 or 10 new maps?

I am missing out big time.

07-11-2005, 01:47 AM
Hmm.. I might have to give Halo 2 another spin.
I had been waiting for these, but sort of lost interest.

07-11-2005, 02:10 AM
they all suck because of modders

07-11-2005, 03:10 AM
yeah it seems modders are all over the place on these, but I think Bungie will take care of it. They did with the other maps. Cheating is not tolerated at all.

07-11-2005, 03:43 AM
the second autoupdate is coming in a few weeks, and the modders will be gone on matchmaking.

right now just play the 5 new ones in a custom game, there are always some going on.