View Full Version : Long run slider betting

07-07-2005, 02:19 PM
A previous post found here (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Number=2809830&page=2&view=c ollapsed&sb=5&o=14&fpart=1) got me to thinking. I am a math person but i'm not exactly sure how to calculate this out:

If due to ur slider use u just bet out 2$ everytime preflop with premium holdings: AA-TT(position) / AKs(o) AQs(o) how much bb/100 ARE you losing in the long run:

i'm assuming u'd need variables with ur normal raise bet preflop (1.75 or .75 with AK/AQ and 2$ AA-QQ maybe same with JJ/TT) and then a different situation where u ALWAYS bet 2$.

that looks to be a difference of 1.25 / .25 depending on what you hold, and if u whiff the A/K/Q you could easily be out that money.

This is all theoretical, but please respond with interesting insights, it seems to me that PP could (THEORETICALLY) be giving you -bb/100 this way. I emphasize theoretically due to the amount of fishies that'll pay u off.

and DON'T say "PP has lots of fish it doesn't matter" because it DOES matter!

07-07-2005, 02:21 PM
Varying your bet amounts based on your holdings is a bad idea. Also, you don't mention the blind sizes so no one can answer your question. Also preflop is the least important aspect by far of NL, so no one can answer your question anyways since it depends so heavily on your postflop skills.

07-07-2005, 03:04 PM
Your preflop raise is intended to set you up for the flop.

Bet whatever will get you in the best position for flop play in regards to number of callers and pot size. This depends entirely on table image, your opponents, your position, and table dynamics. Betting $2 at some tables might set you up nicely with a couple of callers, at others it may pick up the blinds most of the time. You lose BB whenever you don't vary your play to fit the conditions.

Translation: Jamming the pot is generally going to cut your profits unless you're at a table full of calling stations.

P.S. your bread stopped blinking?