View Full Version : Back down to microlimits I go (my journey to 2/4 has failed)

07-06-2005, 11:25 PM
so i built up a roll of 1400 thru microlimits and finally got the balls to move up to 2/4... needless to say, a week has passed and i am back down to 1100

while it just may be variance kicking me in the ass, I told myself that I would never play a level unless i am sufficiently rolled for it (300 BB)

So I will go back down to the less agressive, less scary 1/2 tables and build up my roll once more while browsing 2+2 still and hopefully i will come back witha vengeance

thanks to you guys for your help

07-07-2005, 12:14 AM
Failure only means you have to do it a different way. If you can't move the mountain, go around it. Think of it as a learning experience. All the best.

07-07-2005, 12:21 AM
I would never play a level unless i am sufficiently rolled for it (300 BB)

[/ QUOTE ]

So anytime u drop say 50-80 bbs u are going to drop back down? If u play well, its what the bankroll is for, to withstand variance. I wouldnt move down until two things:

1.I know I play well. But the game has been that I just dumped over 150-200bbs (if u only have 300). = variance eating my ass (I would also argue that you are psychologically effect by the lose at this point and should take a break as u are definitly not playing your A game.)

2.I know I do not or have not been playing well, and Im dumping money like no tommorw. = move down, work on game, then move back up

ur down what 70bbs? at most. Thats probably due to a little variance...70bbs is a decently common drop.