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View Full Version : Aggressivness, How far to take it on an Late postion steal?

07-06-2005, 11:45 AM
5-10 game 7 card. You are in a middle-late postion with an A or K perhaps Q(on a passive table) showing all others have folded to you and only bring in and two other players are left all of which have low cards. Clearly an Ante steal is warrented. So you complete and get one caller. Heres where i wonder if im playing it correctly. I bet 4th street pretty much always unless the oppenent pairs his door card. Then if he calls i bet 5th street about 80% of time especially if all my cards showing are high. I have had great success in taking down pots on 5th street. Is this a winning play long term? Or is it overagreesive. Again im do this rarly only when the situation arises but when it does im relentless if i suspect from my oppenent board that he is week and bet even harder if my board looks like a monster. Is this strong aggressive poker or seven suidide? Comments appreciated on how far to take steals and ideas on when is a good time to steal.

07-06-2005, 11:59 AM
Sounds OK to me. I think once you decide to try a steal, you have to take it to 5th street. However, I'm not a huge fan of completing to steal in the 5/10 game as most players feel committed to defend their bring in as they are getting good odds on their call to peel one off. Instead, I will limp if I am last to act and then bet 4th. That way the bring in doesn't have to feel like a big wimp folding 3rd st.