View Full Version : pokertracker stat analysis

07-05-2005, 05:34 PM
i have 10,923 hands logged. these hands are all from .50/1.00, 1/2(6 max), or 1/2 regular. here is my player summary;

voluntarily put $ in pot - 23.30
voluntarily put $ in from SB - 50.48
Folded Sb to steal - 68.57
Folded BB to steal - 50.93
Att. to steal blinds - 13.00
won $ WSF% - 33.74
Amount won - $439.69
BB/100 hands - 3.48
Went to SD% - 33.91
Won $ at SD% - 53.50
PF Raises% - 7.44

any comments from someone who is familiar with pokertracker would be appreciated. <font color="green"> </font>

07-05-2005, 06:54 PM
It's a pretty small sample size, but so far, your results have been quite profitable.

If you could divide the stats into full and six-max, you'll probably get better advice on anything that looks "off".

07-06-2005, 12:45 PM
good point about the 6 max. here are my stats on full 10 person tables;
7,383 hands
vol. put $ in pot - 21.75
vol. put $ in from SB - 47.93
Folded SB to steal - 67.86
Folded BB to steal - 43.75
Att. to steal blinds - 13.60
won $ WSF % - 33.16
amount won $322.55
BB/100 hands - 4.36
went to SD % - 34.92
Won $ at SD % - 52.86
PF raise % - 7.04

i know it is a small sample size, but does anyone see anything that jumps out at them that i need to work on?

07-06-2005, 02:26 PM
Your preflop raise is the most notable. Most players strive for 10 or higher. But other then that stats look decent considering the small sample