View Full Version : AA hand

07-02-2005, 01:04 AM
$50 MTT on UB, blinds 10/20. I have T1300. I raise to 50 UTG with AA. I get 5 callers.

Flop comes 885,r. I bet 110 at 300 pot. 4th position raises to 400. Everyone else folds. I call.

Turn is another 8. I check. Villain pushes. I call. Villain has T8o for quad 8s.

I had a note that villain would limp with anything. I think I should have gone with my read and folded on the flop. It seemed fairly likely that someone had an 8. On the turn, I think I had to call and see the quads.

I was afraid that if I limped it wouldn't be raised. I thought a big raise UTG might scare everyone away. Obviously, the play at this stage was loose enough that a bigger raise would have been better.

How badly did I screw this up? Is this just a bad beat story?

07-02-2005, 01:46 AM
I'm making it atleast 60 preflop, probably 80...
I like the flop bet, i may make it 125 i doubt we are talking a huge difference here.
Once the 3rd 8 comes on the turn, i'm darned sure that i have the best hand. There is exactly one card that has you beat. Villan may do this with a 5, TT-KK or even A-high, who knows? He plays alot of hands!
So moral of the story, getting it in with the second nuts is usually never a bad idea.

07-02-2005, 09:07 AM
Once the 3rd 8 hit, I had 2nd nuts and had to call. I wonder if I should have folded to the raise on the flop. I had a feeling I was up against trips.

Given the loose play, I think I should have opened with a bigger raise or played for a limpraise. The small raise is OK if an UTG raise is likely to kill action.

07-02-2005, 12:15 PM
Raising to 60 makes no difference. If somebody will call 50 they'll call 60. Raising to 80 is trying to reduce action with Aces and that doesn't make sense. Basically, not much else you can do pre-flop.

Your flop bet looks weak. It's not a bad bet if you have a plan on what you're going to do if raised. The safer play is to make a larger bet that looks strong. Then, if you're raised you might be able to get away from the hand since you showed strength pre-flop and strength on the flop and somebody is still raising you. But even then it'll be tough to get away from the hand. Villain could easily have 99-JJ versus 55 or 8x. He might even raise with 77 the way you bet on the flop.

I definitely can't see folding on the push. He played it really well. He put you on an overpair and knew you would call.

07-02-2005, 01:01 PM
FYI, when playing in one of the NL WSOP events during one of the first levels Eric Siedel made it made it 300 to go with the blinds at 25/50. We started with 2.5k in chips. He did get 3 callers and ended up losing most of his stack when one of the callers with TT hit a 3rd T on the flop. The point is that he realized that a standard 3x BB raise with blinds so low would likely bring about many callers since if one person came in others would recognize that they were getting good odds and a snowball effect of calling would go on -- just what he doesn't want with AA out of position. I assume his logic was that he would rather just go on with the next hand OR get someone with a very strong hand heads-up then face many callers and then have to make difficult decisions post flop.

This is a similar situation. With blinds this low even a 3x BB bet is not going to make much of a difference. Perhaps Eric's strategy is the best one. Either just move on or try to get someone heads-up. No need to see a multi-way flop out of position with AA.

I like Eric's strategy. Another good strategy in this situation is to just limp and hope someone comes over the top and you can make a big re-raise. If nobody raises and many people see the flop you can get away from your hand pretty easily if you feel that you're beat.

07-02-2005, 01:43 PM
I don't mind preflop or turn play, but I would fold flop to the raise. I might be overly tight I guess, but after playing more nl cash dropping AA with deepstacks here has become a lot easier.

Check/call is another option, but I prefer your line on flop. A small bet can sometimes induce a bluff from a guy thinking you're weak, but if I had no reads I'd respect a raise to 400.