View Full Version : The flipside of prematurely turning your cards up - psychology

07-01-2005, 04:16 PM

With the board showing A-K-3-A, Reza Payvar bets $575 from seat 10. His heads-up opponent (we'll call him John to protect his identity) in seat 1's view of Reza is obstructed slightly by the dealer. John calls the bet, and mistakenly thinking that Reza has gone all-in, turns over a K-J. Reza picks up his hands to reveal more chips, as the dealer turns over the river card - a Jack. First to act, Reza bets all in for his last $1,075. John thinks for a moment, and eventually folds. In a show of good sportsmanship, Reza reveals his hand an A-7, and a good laydown for John.