View Full Version : Disappointed with PV.

07-01-2005, 01:42 PM
I've got a post over at the PV forums in the support section. I'd appreciate any feedback over there on my topic (same as this one). There's a poll, as well.

07-01-2005, 02:52 PM
PV is dead. Join the PA Hud bandwagon!

07-01-2005, 08:48 PM
There is no post by you with this topic. If you posted, it's gone. I looked you up by your username over at the PV Forums too, and while you have 6 posts, none are with the above topic.

What's up, anyway?

Oh, BTW, APerfect10? What he said.

07-01-2005, 08:54 PM
There was a post but Amir didnt like our comments therefore he deleted it /images/graemlins/frown.gif

07-01-2005, 09:54 PM
I agree totally. PV was very nice back in the days, but it isn't any more. I paid the $50, but i'm really having a hard time seeing what i got for my money. Previously i used the last stable pre-commercialized version, and it worked perfectly. I paid the money, expecting to get updates and new features more often, but that's really lacking. Amir deleting negative posts is also laughable.

07-03-2005, 01:02 AM
I paid for the thing to was completely unhappy with everything downloaded Hud and am addicted to it pv flew right off the computer in an instant. Chalk it up as a waist of 50 bucks i guess

07-03-2005, 01:08 PM
I have also switched from PV to something else that works. After paying $50 I was disappointed in the fact that my problem post was ignored for quite some time. To this day this problem that I and several others have has still not been fixed. I continued to use the old stable versions until two weeks ago and since then, I have switched to another HUD.

07-03-2005, 07:08 PM
Does any other "HUD" do Omaha?

07-03-2005, 09:21 PM
Does any other "HUD" do Omaha?

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Give me a few weeks. PokerAce Hud will have it.

07-04-2005, 01:24 PM
For those that didn't see my post there it was basically the following:

Please rollback to a version that wasn't buggy.
Please test new versions completely before release.
Since you are charging for a product, the users have the right to demand more of your product.
A list of my own continuing problems operating PV.
A poll to see how many people had no bugs.

I haven't been back to check my post, I thought I'd give it a week since I was getting kind of steamed when I posted it originally, but I tried to make it as constructive as possible.

The fact that it was deleted is a small surprise.

I received a PM from Amir: [ QUOTE ]
This is not a major corporation I cannot give the support you are demanding I can do my best which is what I'm doing. I'm juggling three projects and working 13 hour days and I really don't need this kind of headache on my forums. I don't know what kind of money you think I'm making doing this, but trust me when I tell you its not enough to support me and I've got a multitude of responsibilities outside of PV.

Please, give me a break.

[/ QUOTE ]

07-04-2005, 01:51 PM
The fact that it was deleted is a small surprise.

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OrianasDaad, I hope you have a chance to get back over there and look for your post. Like I said before, I did do a search for it but had no luck, but it is certainly possible that I overlooked something. I hope I'm wrong. If you can spare the time, I'm sure we'd all appreciate knowing for sure that your post is indeed gone.

I received a PM from Amir:

This is not a major corporation I cannot give the support you are demanding I can do my best which is what I'm doing. I'm juggling three projects and working 13 hour days and I really don't need this kind of headache on my forums. I don't know what kind of money you think I'm making doing this, but trust me when I tell you its not enough to support me and I've got a multitude of responsibilities outside of PV.

Please, give me a break.

[/ QUOTE ]

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This is really surprising, both that his post to you was a PM, and the attitude that goes with it. I've noticed an attitude problem over there, but Jim has always done well to communicate with the users of the forum. Jim is a very nice fellow and really means well.

We are indeed lucky to have PokerAce - I hope that Ace will learn from some of these experiences that we've had, and not make these same mistakes.

p.s., I did a google dictionary search for 'OrianasDaad' and got "Did you mean Iron-sided?" back... lol ... what is OrianasDaad?

07-04-2005, 01:58 PM
I received a PM from Amir: [ QUOTE ]
This is not a major corporation I cannot give the support you are demanding I can do my best which is what I'm doing. I'm juggling three projects and working 13 hour days and I really don't need this kind of headache on my forums. I don't know what kind of money you think I'm making doing this, but trust me when I tell you its not enough to support me and I've got a multitude of responsibilities outside of PV.

Please, give me a break.

[/ QUOTE ]

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The fact that Amir would write something so ignorant to one of his paying customers is a complete turnoff and I (a current paying member) will no longer use Playerview regardless if they make improvements or not. This is something I would expect to hear from someone who is offering a product for free. For the past month, I have had the perception that he no longer cared about Playerview and his PM to you just confirmed that. Simple questions go unanswered and bugs go unfixed.

Its not our fault that he is working on 3 projects. Its not our fault that he is working 13 hour days. As paying customers, we have the right to have a product that works and more importantly voice our opinion when we are displeased. If he can not handle the project by himself, then he needs to take some of that money he is receiving from his product and invest it back into the company by hiring help. His problem is that he viewed the income he was receiving, from going commercial, as his payment for all the previous time he invested. I have no problem with that, but he needs to invest some of that money back into his product (which he is not). And because of that Playerview has gone down the tubes and more than likely will never recover. He had a great business opportunity and blew it.

Bye bye playerview...

07-04-2005, 03:51 PM
Cool! I will be using it. Hope you get stars and UB up and running soon too.

07-04-2005, 09:07 PM
To those of you stupid enough to have purchased Playerview for 50 bucks, let me be (probably not) the first to say...




and I'll even throw in a...


07-04-2005, 09:41 PM


and I'll even throw in a...


[/ QUOTE ]

Come on now, easy... no need for this. Besides, I don't remember you saying "I told you so" anyway - lol. I think most of us qualified for donation status anyway.

Did you donate?

Will you donate to this wonderful PokerAce? Hope so!

07-05-2005, 03:27 PM
Re: PV expires tomorrow, how many of you are buying? [Re: ThinMan]
#2435866 - 05/19/05 09:35 PM
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Judging from the fact that the product was "released" (sold for cash) before it was fine-tuned, I believe this is a college student in need of bucks. Considering the competition, I don't believe he is going to sell enough of them to justify the frequent tweaking required when the sites and/or pokertracker make changes. Therefore I believe that when he graduates from college and gets a decent job, he will soon lose interest in playerview and his small customer base will be left high and dry.

I could be wrong.

07-05-2005, 05:21 PM
This will be my only post in this thread, because I won't be drawn into a schlong-measuring contest, but those of you bashing PV, in short, have no clue what the fack you're talking about.

If you bought PV for $50 without understanding who was behind it, and the level of service that would accompany it, then you're a chump, no ifs, ands, or buts. Amir's product was the first of its kind, and I think it's fair to say that the amount of money it made me is in the thousands. When telling my friends about it, I'd always preface my praise with "...and I can't believe the guy's not even charging for it!"

Anyone who did their research would have discovered that this was just a side-project being taken on by a university student and poker enthusiast who selflessly donated hours every single day to work out kinks and answer emails about the program, and there was NO guarantee that his business would be anything different just because he started charging for it.

The fact that anyone thinks he had a responsibility to turn into a large-scale corporation and hire a full-time customer support team, or bend over and spread his cheeks simply because he began charging for his product is laughable. You knew exactly what you were getting when you forked over $50 for the product. And if you didn't, then you're simply a sucker who should have done his research.

07-05-2005, 05:49 PM
To those of you stupid enough to have purchased Playerview for 50 bucks, let me be (probably not) the first to say...




and I'll even throw in a...


[/ QUOTE ]

PV is right up there with PT as the best investment I've ever made. I don't get your post. what's wrong with it? while you sit here bitching about it not being coded well, I'm using it and not even noticing a problem.

$50 isn't a lot of money. it paid for itself within a week.

07-05-2005, 05:50 PM
good post from someone who actually knows what he's talking about.

07-05-2005, 06:18 PM

$50 isn't a lot of money. it paid for itself within a week.

[/ QUOTE ]

No matter what happens going forward, the statement above holds true for me as well. I have no regrets.

07-05-2005, 06:44 PM
Can someone please compare PV to PAHUD? I'm with PAHUD right now but would consider switching to PV if it's considerably better

07-05-2005, 06:46 PM
Can someone please compare PV to PAHUD? I'm with PAHUD right now but would consider switching to PV if it's considerably better

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Don't. All PV's got is tourney support, compared to PAHUD.

07-05-2005, 07:17 PM
Gooooood little sheep

Looking back, I am sure Amir is kicking himself for not charging you idiots $200

Afterall, you make it right back right?

07-05-2005, 07:18 PM
good post from someone who actually knows what he's talking about.

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07-05-2005, 07:19 PM

07-05-2005, 07:24 PM
Can someone please compare PV to PAHUD? I'm with PAHUD right now but would consider switching to PV if it's considerably better

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Don't. All PV's got is tourney support, compared to PAHUD.

[/ QUOTE ]

PA Hud has tournament support now.

Feature wise, Omaha is the only major feature PlayerView has that PokerAce Hud does not.

PokerStars support will be available in the next release (hopefully out tomorrow). After that I will be adding support for the Crypto sites, then Omaha.

07-05-2005, 07:35 PM
I'm using PlayerView with Stars. It's called "beta" but it works well. I think both programs have their little growing pains, so for that reason they could both be called "beta" - they're both certainly ready for prime time. I like them both. One is $50 and the other has not had its price stated yet.

07-05-2005, 10:35 PM
I've made about 35k using Player View playing about 10 hours a week, and PV has had more than a negligble positive effect on my play, so I'd say so.

07-06-2005, 03:01 PM
I was using gametime+ for a while before I switched to PV. I wanted to see the mucked hands ASAP to analyze opponents play -- not available in GT+ or Pokerace (at that time).

The downside was the tiny icons on my 1400x1050 laptop monitor, so I made some new cards here (http://www.playerview.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=615). If you're still using PV, give them a try. I think you'll like them. Although now that Pokerace has the mucked cards too, there are few reasons for anyone to choose PV over Pokerace.

Nonetheless, I think PV was worth it while it lasted, and there's no need to taunt those who found PV useful in the past (or still use it for omaha, etc.)

As for Pokerace, wow, I'm very impressed. I've been recommending your software over PV to my friends who are new to online poker. Great stuff!

07-06-2005, 03:28 PM
Oh do you mean Kaizen's cards? The ones that Amir put up? He originally suggested taking Party's 4-color deck cards and putting them in PV's image directory, then someone named Kaizen put up some great cards, actually a quarter of a card, very visible.

Have you used Ace's cards? I wonder about using Kaizen's cards in PokerAce. I've been using PV over at PokerStars so I don't remember but I think Ace had some good-looking cards.

07-06-2005, 03:33 PM
Sheesh, you *are* Kaizen! LOL - my bad!