View Full Version : Employment Opportunity in the VoP...

10-25-2001, 04:30 PM
The Valley of Patience, Selection Factory, rejects most of the two card combinations made. The factory is loaded with rejection specialists and there seems to be plenty of full time employment opportunities availabe at the factory. Thousands of employment applications and resumes are sent to human resource department daily. All who request employment are interviewed and given a test. They must play tight and aggressive for one complete eight hour shift. Should they manage to succeed, they are all hired as part timers. Part time employment is the back bone of the Selection Factory. The part timers create a sane environment for the full time employees while they demonstrate to management their worthiness to work in the VoP. They also invest heavily into the Factories bottom line while increasing the full time employees retirement fund.

Part timers in the VoP Selection Factory begin to feel job stress after several hours or less. The endless rejection of inferior products begins to ware on their patience. They came to work not to spend their lives rejecting opportunities. Soon they begin approving once rejected products. Then they begin to invest chips into the retirement fund of the full time employees. When they run out of investment capital, the part timers are quick to blame management for their circumstances.

Management is patient, so they give them some time off, an recommend they re-read the union rules written by David, Mason, and Zee, the Factories three full time union stewards. Management sends them to seminars held on the Internet. 2+2 holds daily seminars for vacationing part time workers. Like the factory 2+2 offers a wide variety of products. Choosing the right product or concept at 2+2 can be challenging. The road to full time employment in the VoP Rejection Factory isn't a cake walk. The price is high, and one must have nerves of steel, a high tolerance for pain, and a bankroll to cover the errors in judgement. If you haven't read the union rules contact one of the factory's three stewards for a copy of the rules of engagement.

SPM,...play long and prosper...