View Full Version : PokerAce Hud Layouts

06-30-2005, 03:18 PM
Here's mine. I went minimal, as the more gaudy, christmas tree-like setups hurt me.

I think the flop/turn/river aggression numbers don't need coloring as well as the blind info since you don't use these as often, you need lots of hands for them to be valid, and you really want the main info to stand out. Also went with a blue gradient for WSD% percentage (brighter more CS-ish), again to stand apart from VPIP/PFR/AgFactor. And icons are not needed as they're redundant and distracting to the stats.


The gray number in the upper left of the play box is CR%. Everything else should be relatively self-explanatory.

If anyone's intersted in the config, let me know and I'll post.

PokerAce, I salute you. Donation coming soon.

06-30-2005, 04:09 PM
I'll put mine here as well...

Image Installation:

1. Make a backup copy of your /Images directory.
2. Download the zip file for the skin(s) of your choice.
3. Unzip and overwrite the images in the /Images directory

Full Table Layout Installation:

1. Make a backup of PokerAce Hud/Data/Config/Layouts/Pty_10_Max.pth
2. Download PA Hud Layout File (http://www.prophpdev.com/poker/Pty_10_Max.pth) by Right clicking on the link -> Save Target As
3. Save the layout file to PokerAce Hud/Data/Config/Layouts/Pty_10_Max.pth


Party Poker


Download Party Images (http://www.prophpdev.com/poker/Party_Black.zip)


Empire Poker


Download Empire Images (http://www.prophpdev.com/poker/Empire_Black.zip)


Coral Eurobet


Download Coral Eurobet Images (http://www.prophpdev.com/poker/Eurobet_Black.zip)

06-30-2005, 11:21 PM
Hey fooz I like what you've done with the layout. Mind posting it here?

07-01-2005, 01:14 AM
Here's my my pth file (http://www.pjpro.com/onlinepokercoach/Pty_10_Max.pth) for 10 full.

Go here for the table images: www.pokermods.com (http://www.pokermods.com)
The same "plaingreen2" table helps because then many of the stats appear to have transparent bgs.

Ditto APerfect10's instructions above.

Also, the stats on the side are ASB%, FSB% & FBB% as you read down. Table VPIP and pfr are in the upper-left.

Also note the 4 color ranges on VPIP: Rock, Tight, Loose & Cha-ching.
The table VPIP however is broken into three ranges: good table, average table, bad table. I'd definitely suggest raising the standards for these ranges if you play lower limits.

Open to suggestions and ideas and curious to see other layouts. Viva la PokerAce!

Oh...and having the table average stats in the upper-left like that is really useful, because then you can cascade your windows and scan for tables faster. See the screenshot on my site for an example (was using PV at that time):