View Full Version : Research Opportunity on San Juan Island, WA

06-30-2005, 02:07 AM
I spent my final quarter up there. It was the highlight of my college education. It was Spring quarter for me and the weather was awesome--Autumn quarter weather should start decent and steadily deteriorate. If anybody is interested here is the info:

Hello from Friday Harbor Laboratories -

I’m writing to let you know that there are still spaces available for paid Autumn Quarter research apprenticeships at FHL for undergraduates and post-baccalaureates:

* Biophysics of the Aquatic Gel Phase (Biol 499)
* Gene Network Dynamics and Cellular Behavior (Biol 499)
* Pelagic Ecosystem Function in the San Juan Archipelago (Ocean 499)

Autumn Quarter at FHL runs from September 26 - December 10, 2005. The official application deadline is July 1st, but we will continue to accept applications until the apprenticeships have been filled.

Research apprenticeships at FHL come with an automatic $3000 in support. For a Washington State resident that means that all but ~$100 in costs for tuition and room and board will be paid ($1762 in-state tuition + $1342 room and board = $3104 total, less the $3000 in support from FHL). Costs for non-residents not matriculated at University of Washington will be $2710 tuition + $1342 room and board = $4052 total, less the $3000 in support from FHL = $1052 net due. Applicants may also apply for additional support beyond the $3000 if needed.

If you know potential students for whom these apprenticeships may be of interest, please forward this email or otherwise help us get the word out!

Application forms, course descriptions and information about FHL are available on our website at:


Participants consistently rave about the research apprenticeships at FHL -- 94% of the nearly 300 past participants rated the program as "excellent" or "very good" -- and many have told us that these intensive, full-time research training experiences provided the high point of their academic career.

- Friday Harbor Laboratories is a University of Washington marine science field station located on a 484-acre biological preserve on San Juan Island, 75 mile NW of Seattle.

- Research apprenticeships teams consist of 5-12 students led by 1-4 faculty mentors plus 1-4 RAs (grad students or post-docs). Participants earn 15 undergraduate credits from University of Washington.

- Student applications may be submitted directly from the FHL website.

Descriptions of the three autumn research apprenticeships are provided below, but check out the FHL website for more complete information.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Thanks again for your help getting the word out to potential students! Hope all is well with you.

Best regards,
Stacy Markman, Student Coordinator
University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories
620 University Road, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
web: <http://depts.washington.edu/fhl/>


Dr. Pedro Verdugo

Our discovery that polymers found in seawater can spontaneously assemble forming micron-sized gels (Chin et al Nature 1998) has introduced a new powerful paradigm that will fundamentally change the way oceanographers think about chemical, physical, and biological interactions of organic macromolecules found in seawater. The implications of these new observations range from modulation of metal ion chelation, to marine bacterial dynamics, and to carbon cycling, and global climate change (Wells, Nature 1998). In this team students will investigate:

1. the cellular mechanisms of polymer release by phytoplankton;
2. the hypothesis that marine microgels provide discrete niches of high marine biopolymer concentration that bacteria can readily colonize and degrade; and
3. the hypothesis that microgels can function as ion exchange resins capable of binding trace metal ions found in seawater.

Students will conduct a through review of the literature, and learn the theory and practice of the tools they will apply in their experiments. Using dynamic laser scattering spectroscopy, flow cytometry, and fluorescence microscopy, they will follow the assembly kinetics of marine biopolymers, swelling kinetics of secreted material during phytoplankton exocytosis, and study the kinetics of bacterial colonization of marine microgels. They will formulate mathematical models to formally describe these phenomena and will report their results in a manuscript.

For additional information contact: verdugo@u.washington.edu

Drs. Garrett Odell, Ed Munro and George von Dassow

Modern molecular biologists are rapidly cataloging and cloning the gene products that make cells work. Future scientists face the challenge of comprehending how interacting networks of such gene products actually conspire to endow living cells with all of their characteristic behaviors, the ability to divide and crawl, to sense and respond appropriately to their environment, to choose and elaborate specific developmental fates. To meet this daunting challenge, the next generation of biologists must learn to fuse experimental and computational approaches to become equally comfortable at bench and computer. This apprenticeship, sponsored by FHL and the new NIGMS Center for Cell Dynamics, is your chance to enter the future now with both eyes open. (NIGMS is the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, a division of NIH.)

Basic lectures and lab demonstrations will introduce all apprentices to fundamentals of empirical and computational analysis of gene network dynamics and cover specific topics including:

* Tutorials on different simulation software packages that we have written and that apprentices may want to use and possibly modify.
* Immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy of fixed specimens.
* Techniques for imaging living cells and embryos using computer-controlled light microscopes.

Apprentices will work in small groups investigating detailed case studies of specific gene networks at work both in living cells and in silico. Each study will be an intimate fusion of observation, experiment, and computer simulation. Each team will work closely with a faculty mentor to develop and carry out an intensive study of their chosen topic. Apprentices will become experts at public scientific speaking by making frequent presentations of their projects as they proceed, and by making a final, public seminar presentation. Possible topics include: (1) networks of regulatory and signaling molecules underlying specific examples of developmental pattern formation in various embryos; (2) cytoskeletal networks underlying e.g. cytokinesis, cell-cell adhesion, cell locomotion, morphogenesis.

Study organisms include fruit flies, nematode worms, ascidians, sea urchins and a host of other marine invertebrates.

There is no minimal requirement beyond a willingness to immerse yourself in a fascinating scientific problem and an enthusiastic determination to learn. We expect apprentices to come with a fundamental orientation towards experimental or computational biology and to get from their peers and the instructors a strong dose of what they don't yet know. Accordingly, we will choose class participants to bring a balance of skills to each working group. Grading is based on all aspects of course participation and on a combination written and oral presentation of projects. Enrollment limited to 12 students.

For additional information contact: munroem@u.washington.edu

Dr. Jan Newton and Dr. Breck Tyler

The primary research objective of this course is to investigate the physical-biological coupling of oceanographic processes and biota in the San Juan Archipelago. This work is timely and important for several reasons:

* San Juan Basin is highly productive, hosting abundant populations of plankton, fishes, seabirds, and marine mammals.
* The Basin is the area along the entire Pacific coast judged to be most highly sensitive to climate change, due to idiosyncrasies of tidal forcing (Helmuth et al 2002).
* The Basin is located at the nexus of the Fraser River and the Pacific Ocean, allowing for comparison of fresh water and marine influences.
* The Basin is in the domain of several major remote ocean observing systems (e.g., VENUS, IOOS) ramping up in the next decade.

In order to understand the functioning of the Basin's complex ecosystem, it is essential to determine which processes are predominant in shaping the physical environment. These will also determine directly the habitat available for prey and predator species. If these elements can be linked, it will be possible in the future to assess the status of regional biota by means of remote observing systems.

The primary educational goals of this course are to have apprentices examine the workings of a marine ecosystem from top to bottom in order to understand how coupling with oceanographic processes leads to spatial and temporal variation in biotic patterning. In fall 2004 we will use the natural laboratory of the waters adjacent to San Juan Island to begin to explore the mechanisms responsible for variability in the region. We will focus on two study sites in San Juan Channel, one in the dynamic outer Channel (near Cattle Pass) and the other in the broad inner Channel (northern end). Specifically, apprentices will be asked to:

1. Develop and implement techniques to assess physical and biological oceanographic conditions in the Channel and investigate the relative importance of river versus oceanic forcing by comparison with long-term oceanographic data.
2. Develop and implement techniques to assess distribution and abundance of principal prey species (zooplankton, fish) and attempt to link these with oceanographic patterns and processes.
3. Develop and implement techniques to assess distribution and abundance of marine birds and mammals and investigate how oceanographic properties and processes (such as tidal forcing) affect the feeding habits of these top marine predators (following on the work of Zamon 2000; 2001).

Instructors are an interdisciplinary team. Dr. Jan Newton for oceanography (physical and biological) and Dr. Breck Tyler for upper trophic levels (seabirds, marine mammals) will be the lead instructors. Dr. Terrie Klinger has agreed to participate on average once per week to contribute knowledge of benthos, larvae, and local processes. We will recruit a graduate student RA from School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences to cover fish. We also plan to pull in a broad spectrum of guest lecturers, including other oceanographers, zoologists, and local experts.

For additional information contact: newton@ocean.washington.edu
