View Full Version : PokerAce Heads Up Display - A PlayerView/GameTime+ Alternative

06-28-2005, 06:56 PM
I'm pleased to announce the release of PokerAce Heads Up Display (PA Hud for short) version 0.10.

PA Hud is an application along the lines of GameTime+ and PlayerView. It reads information about your opponents and places them directly on the poker table window for easy access.

Download PA Hud Here (http://www.caeddyn.com/pokerace/)

For those of you who downloaded earlier version of this application (previously named PlayerStats), this version is a major upgrade.

Key Features:

* Finds your tables automatically. You don't need to have hands imported into PokerTracker before being able to see statistics.

* No refreshes needed. No longer will you see stats for a player that just left his seat. No more wondering if the stats you see really belong to this player. Stats are refreshed immediately when players leave, and new stats appear shortly after a player sits down.

* Customizable stats. You can change fonts, sizes, colors, and positions. You can even give stats different colors based on the value of the stat. Completely customize your table however you want. All of this is available in an easy to use layout manager. Positioning of the stats is made incredibly easy by the snap to grid feature of the layout manager.

* Shows mucked hands at showdown. Tired of going into the hand history window to see what your opponents held? Now you can have those mucked cards shown for you automatically.

For those of you who are in love with the application you are currently using, I challenge you to give this one a shot. There are very few features that those other applications have that this one doesn't. You might be pleasantly surprised! Especially for an application so early in development.

Here are a few major upcoming features:

Tournament Support. This includes SnGs and MTT.

Popup stats. This will show additional stats for an individual player that you can call up whenever you need.

Additional poker site support. More poker sites will be supported shortly.

There are multiple other changes that will be made shortly, but these are the biggest.

If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me. I'll be happy to help and listen to your input.

Here are some screenshots:



06-28-2005, 06:58 PM
The wait is over, I picked a good time to get home from shopping. Going to test it out now.

06-28-2005, 07:07 PM
Not showing stats for me.

Edit: think I got it to work. I think it had to do with a database that was set to a wrong ODBC connection. I'll keep you posted.

06-28-2005, 07:29 PM
Works fine for me, it just takes a few minutes for the first refresh.

06-28-2005, 07:32 PM
I'm trying this new program tonite. I'm slighly ticked at Gametime's lagging performance.

06-28-2005, 07:51 PM
I think it had to do with a database that was set to a wrong ODBC connection. I'll keep you posted.

[/ QUOTE ]

Could you let me know what you think caused this? Maybe it's something I could look out for. Thanks!

06-28-2005, 08:03 PM
I love you.

06-28-2005, 08:05 PM
Excellent work! I just finished customizing the entire PA Hud layout to match my PV layout and it is running great! Much quicker and more efficient than PV and GT+ and so far there does not appear to be any major bugs.

One bug I have noticed is when customizing the table layouts via the layout manager, after I click 'save', the changes are saved and it appears PA Hud is restarting; however, the program quits responding. A simple exit and restart fires up PA Hud once again with the correct changes in place so it isnt a big deal but I thought I would bring it to your attention.

Thank you once again for your efforts! Your work is greatly appreciated by myself and many others...

06-28-2005, 08:12 PM
Thanks guys.

About that layout manager bug. How much time did you give for the reset after you saved? It shouldn't take very long to start showing stats again. If you're sure it's not resetting correctly, or is freezing, please turn on logging and send me the log file.

06-28-2005, 08:15 PM
I think I ran into that bug twice already. Both times before I tested it out on a game (no game windows were open). When I changed the layout another time with games open it refreshed wonderfully.

06-28-2005, 08:43 PM
any chance you can just make everyone stats look like how it is on GT+? i really cant stand the multiple colors and the black background on all the text

06-28-2005, 09:17 PM
The multiple colors is very helpful (I think). This can be changed in the layout manager though. You can also change the background color so that it's not black. I don't think you can make the background transparent though, which is I think what Gametime+ does.

My personal opinion is that the multiple colors and black background is far superior to Gametime+ (as are all of the other features PokerAce has included). Displaying mucked cards at showdown is, I think, the coolest feature. Mine is just one opinion though.

06-28-2005, 09:37 PM
I'm thinking of adding a "Combined" stat, that lets you put multiple stats into one box. Would that work?

06-28-2005, 10:28 PM
I'm getting some crashing when I log off and on tables...Clearly not as stable as the "pre-interface" version (but still better).

06-28-2005, 10:33 PM
Is it crashing and disappearing, or is it locking up? I've had several reports of the interface locking up, which I'm looking into.

If it's happening pretty consistantly, could you turn on logging and send me the log file?

06-28-2005, 10:50 PM
Locking up....I'm not sure if its only when the layout is open or not....I will begin logging now and send you something. (I also sent you a contrib.....let me know if you don't get it).

06-28-2005, 11:06 PM
This application is awesome. I was already using playerstats instead of PV and GT+ (even though i have both) and this version is FAR superior.

06-28-2005, 11:10 PM
I think I've found and fixed the locking up problem.

I also found a problem with the table averages stats, I'll be putting a patch for these problems tonight.

If your name is Andy, then I did receive the donation, thank you very much.

06-28-2005, 11:28 PM
I've uploaded patch version 0.11 to the website. You should uninstall the current version before installing this version. If you made extensive changes to your layouts, be sure to back them up. You can find them in the 'Data\Config\Layouts' directory.

I'll be updating the installation scripts to detect any previous version and save your settings. I wanted to get this update out there as soon as possible though.

06-28-2005, 11:31 PM
AustinDoug, I'm glad you like it. Spread the word! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

06-28-2005, 11:58 PM
I'm thinking of adding a "Combined" stat, that lets you put multiple stats into one box. Would that work?

[/ QUOTE ]

I have a few suggestions.

1. Include your own stats for the cuurent table.
2. Include a tilt blocker to cover up my $ amount /images/graemlins/smile.gif ( GT+ is great for covering up my money total)
3. Include average pot size amount fot the table totals

Otherwise looks pretty damn slick. Nice work.

06-29-2005, 02:34 AM
I'm using Eurobet, but the "Limit" field isn't updating correctly. It's set at $0 now, while I'm playing .5/1.

GT+ also keeps track of wins and losses for each session, which I really liked. Any possibility of adding that?

Great update though, it's impressive that you've gotten it to about the same functionality as GT+ and PV in such a short time!

LOVE the mucked cards function.

Edit: the program also hung when I left a table. The table name was left in the list but I couldn't click on the main window any more.

06-29-2005, 05:14 AM
Question: Can I use ONLY the view mucked hands feature without displaying stats? I still think GT+ looks better, but like I said, I will donate strictly to see mucked hands without digging through HHs

06-29-2005, 06:21 AM
I am trying to download .11, I had uninstalled the previous version, but I am getting the message error in opening file for writing.

06-29-2005, 08:59 AM
Question: Can I use ONLY the view mucked hands feature without displaying stats?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure you can. Go to Options->Layout Manager. Then uncheck every stat that is visible. This will hide all of the stats and will display the mucked cards.

With that said, you are burning up system resources for such a simple task. Depending on your CPU and RAM this may or may not be an issue for you. If you are going to do this, I suggest going into Options->Preferences, clicking on the 'Refresh Rates' tab and deleting all of the current refresh ranges. I would then make only one range, Min=0, Max=100001 and set the Refresh Every=100000 to help cut down on extra, unnecessary CPU & memory usage.

06-29-2005, 09:23 AM
After running PA Hud for a few hours last night I ran into a few issues. This morning I fired it up and ran into similar problems; however, every time I enabled logging I could not replicate the problem. Unfortunately I have run out of time today to replicate the problem while logging therefore there are no log files, sorry /images/graemlins/frown.gif

Background Info: I am running a 3.8 GHz machine with 2 GB of DDR2 with dual channel enabled. So I think its safe to assume that resources are not an issue. I have 8 tables open, 4 from 2 separate Party Skins (Empire & Coral).

1. If I have 2 identical tables open, one on each site. [ie) Table 37039 on Empire and Table 37039 on Coral] Only one of the windows displays stats while the other does not. I am unsure if this is a design flaw or if this is intentional. I have no problem with this but I thought I would bring it to your attention. I am assuming that you are not differenciating windows with the sites, rather you are pulling the table name and looking for it in the window list. Which ever one matches first is the window that the stats are overlayed on? Once again, this is not an issue for me; however, I have a feeling in my gut that this is possibly one of the reasons that PA Hud is locking up as described in #2.

2. Every so often, PA Hud will lock up. When I say lock up, I mean it locks up. CPU usage = 0% and nothing happens until I kill the process and restart. This is happening fairly frequently while opening and closing tables; however, like I mentioned in my preface, I could not replicate this, in the limited time I had available this morning, with logging enabled. Also noteworthy is the fact that I could not replicate this bug running on only 1 party skin and up to 4 tables; however, when opening up a 2nd party skin and more tables #5 - 8 I could replicate. Like I mentioned in #1, I have a feeling this has to do with opening identical tables on the separate sites. I also had an inclination something may be fishy with the minize to system tray feature but I'm not sure why that would affect anything. I am sure you know better than I.

3. As mentioned previously, at times PA Hud will freeze when saving a layout in the layout manager (while tables are open as well as when no tables are open). Sometimes the save happens instantaneously and the tables will update immediately (I assume this is how it should work). Other times, the save takes up to a minute with PA Hud chugging along and at other times PA Hud will lock up indefinately until the process is killed and restarted. Once restarted, the saved changed were indeed saved and all is good.

Other than that everything looks great! Add hotspots along with Postgres connectivity and this program will easily surpass GT+ and PV. Showing my stats for the current session would also be icing on the cake.

Thanks once again and hopefully this helps you solve these issues!


06-29-2005, 10:06 AM
I just took a look at the new release and must say WOW .

I was curious if this currently worked with the new PostgreSQL database that PT is converting to, or just the Access version. I have been meaning to convert, but have not do to compatibility issues.

I look forward to trying it out tonight.

Lost Wages
06-29-2005, 11:13 AM

06-29-2005, 11:14 AM
Yes it does.

06-29-2005, 11:29 AM
Yes it does.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have it working with Postgres? It is only working with Access for me. Are you sure you are not just seeing the postgres db listed? If you are indeed using Postgres may I ask how? PokerAce, I was under the impression that Postgres was not supported yet and would be shortly. Please confirm.

06-29-2005, 11:50 AM
How weird is this? I have played less poker than usual since getting PA-HUD. I spent a bit of time perfecting my layout (it rocks by the way) and now I find myself just opening a bunch of tables and watching the pretty numbers. Someone splash some cold water in my face!

06-29-2005, 12:30 PM
No, I do not have it working with Postreg. I was asking if it would work. Sorry if I was not clear. /images/graemlins/confused.gif

06-29-2005, 12:45 PM
Post deleted by matt42s

06-29-2005, 12:53 PM
Love it, great work PA
I'll make a donation if I'm still using it next week - and I think I will be, playerstats was nearly there. (neteller?)

I think a couple more stats would be useful - screename and cash. With those we can design a big custom block which is placed over the top of the 'party' box, rather than positioning stats around it. /quote]

great idea

06-29-2005, 12:58 PM
I just deleted it and planned on reposting because I had a bit about it making it easier to layout our own stats when the box is moved - but was forgetting about our own card display, but since it was quoted in the meantime (without that bit), I dont need to repost it. dont know why I wrote this /images/graemlins/confused.gif

06-29-2005, 01:17 PM
No, I do not have it working with Postreg. I was asking if it would work. Sorry if I was not clear. /images/graemlins/confused.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

No, you were very clear. OrcaDK stated "Yes it does" which I quoted and my message was directed towards him /images/graemlins/wink.gif

06-29-2005, 01:39 PM
I am having problems. The application will just stop updating. Happens quite often. Restarting the app obviously fixes it. Sometimes opening and closing the layout designer will fix it.

06-29-2005, 02:22 PM
Okay, there are a lot of questions, so I'm going to try to answer them all in one post.

First, and most important, if you are having freezing/lockup issues, please make sure you are using version 0.11, NOT 0.10. You can see the version number in the titlebar.

"I am trying to download .11, I had uninstalled the previous version, but I am getting the message error in opening file for writing."

I downloaded the file after uploading it last night, and again just now and had no problems. The file on the server seems to be fine, and it ran the installation just fine. Please keep trying, maybe it was your connection. If you haven't done so, maybe a reboot is needed.

"Question: Can I use ONLY the view mucked hands feature without displaying stats? I still think GT+ looks better, but like I said, I will donate strictly to see mucked hands without digging through HHs"

Your first question has been answered, but I'll address the issue. I'm thinking of adding a stat that lets you combine multiple stats into one box, so your layout can look just like GT+.

"If I have 2 identical tables open, one on each site. [ie) Table 37039 on Empire and Table 37039 on Coral] Only one of the windows displays stats while the other does not."

Rather than wasting processing cycles determining if this is a Party table or an Empire table, I just search for the first Party skin table that matches the name. It would be unusual for someone to have the same table opened more than one time. It's unlikely that this would cause any problems in the program. Reading further down your reply makes me believe you are still using version 0.10. Please make sure you are using 0.11. If you are using 0.11 and still experiencing the crash, then I'll need a log file if you can generate one for me - email me and we'll get it figured out.

"PostgreSQL Support"

I spoke with Pat over at PokerTracker and he's going to let me into the PostgreSQL beta. Once I download it and get it working, I'll add support. It really shouldn't be too hard to do.

"Multiple Databases"

Version 0.11 will work with as many Access databases as you have. You can choose which ones you want to use in the preferences.

"the "Limit" field isn't updating correctly. It's set at $0 now, while I'm playing .5/1"

I found the cause of this and fixed it in my development version.

To summarize, if you had any problems with freezing or locking, please make sure you have version 0.11. If you are using version 0.11 and are still encountering lockups, please turn logging on and when you encounter a lockup, email me the log file.

Now, I'll address some of the suggestions.

"1. Include your own stats for the cuurent table."
"2. Include a tilt blocker to cover up my $ amount"
"3. Include average pot size amount fot the table totals"
"GT+ also keeps track of wins and losses for each session, which I really liked. Any possibility of adding that?"

I like all of these ideas, and they'll all likely get added shortly.

"I think a couple more stats would be useful - screename and cash. With those we can design a big custom block which is placed over the top of the 'party' box, rather than positioning stats around it."

This is a neat idea. The "Combined" stat I plan on adding will make this possible.

I want to thank you all for trying this app and for giving me your feedback. This kind of interaction is what's going to make this a great program.

06-29-2005, 02:50 PM
Is this a Party Only application at this point?

I only play about half of my hands there. I would like to use this as it appears superior to GT+. But the big edge in GT+ is it works at all the sites I play at.

06-29-2005, 02:58 PM
FWIW, the long, detailed post I made regarding locking up on page 3 was with regards to v0.11 (the newest release). I'm still working on getting you a log.

However, in the process of trying to get you a log, I opened up 8 tables along with PA Hud and then eventually ended up minizing PA Hud. After minimizing to the system tray, PA Hud was no where to be found but it was still running.

I took a screenshot displaying my 8 tables with PA Hud running and I opened up my system processes to show that it still is in fact running properly. I also expanded my system tray to show everything. As you will see, PA Hud is not in my taskbar nor in my system tray but it is running. Very odd....

Screenshot of Lost PA Hud (http://www.prophpdev.com/poker/PA_HUD.jpg)

06-29-2005, 03:10 PM
After losing PA Hude (see above), I killed the process and started back up. After a short while I minized to the system tray. As you can see in this screenshot, I right clicked on the PA Hud system tray icon and it was locked up. Also noteworthy is the process list which shows PA Hud using 0% CPU. No stats are updating and one of the table (Table # 36647 Located in the SW corner of the right screen) completely lost its stats. I waited over a minute and eventually killed the process prior to posting...

Screenshot Of Lockup (http://www.prophpdev.com/poker/PA_HUD2.jpg)

PAHud.log (http://www.prophpdev.com/poker/PAHud.log)

06-29-2005, 03:16 PM
After looking more closely at the log file, it appears PA Hud is waiting to receive results from a query to update a player? Maybe the query is timing out and locking up the process? Not sure...

06-29-2005, 03:40 PM
APerfect10, I'm going to send you a PM so we can work this out. I think I know what may be causing this but I need more info. I'll update this thread when we get it figured out.

06-29-2005, 03:42 PM
Here's another log file where PA Hud appears to be having problems. This time, it wasnt locked up; it was burning up 30% CPU; however, stats were only displayed on 1 of the 8 tables. Unfortunately I didnt get a screenshot with this one.

Looking at the log file, it appears a lot of exceptions are being thrown.

Log File 2 (http://www.prophpdev.com/poker/PAHud2.log)

PS. The log file is slightly over 1 Meg.

06-29-2005, 03:44 PM
I am using .11 and it stalls and won't update. Every few minutes in fact.

06-29-2005, 04:11 PM
I got the program to load. For some reason the old program was still on my hardrive even though I had uninstalled it and it wasn't showing in the ADD/remove section.

One quick suggestion, would be to have an option to add players actions. By this I mean show if a player bet, checked or raised on each street. This is very helpful if you are not paying close attention. Thanks for the great program and I will send a few bucks shortly.

06-29-2005, 04:12 PM
I am having the same problem with v0.11, but not as frequent. I played for 2 hours today and I think it happend about 5 times.

The last version (0.006) was very stable though.

I hope you can locate the problem. Except for the freeze this application is really really good! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

06-29-2005, 05:49 PM
I really appreciate you guys being patient while I try to figure out where these lockups are happening. Some people have no problems at all and some people are plagued with them. I'm doing my best to sort this out, and I appreciate your help.

I did find a problem with the minimize to system tray function, and I may have also found another problem causing the lockups. I created version 0.12 that fixes these problems in addition to adding some extra logging to help me pinpoint problems if they still exist.

So if you're having problems with the program locking up, please download version 0.12 from the website:


Be sure to let me know if this solves any of your problems.

06-29-2005, 06:15 PM
I really appreciate you guys being patient while I try to figure out where these lockups are happening. Some people have no problems at all and some people are plagued with them. I'm doing my best to sort this out, and I appreciate your help.

I did find a problem with the minimize to system tray function, and I may have also found another problem causing the lockups. I created version 0.12 that fixes these problems in addition to adding some extra logging to help me pinpoint problems if they still exist.

So if you're having problems with the program locking up, please download version 0.12 from the website:


Be sure to let me know if this solves any of your problems.

[/ QUOTE ]

I will try the new version and see if it changes anything.
For everyone else who is going to install it make sure you make a backup of your config files first!
I almost forgot it /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Perhaps the installer could check if there is a previous version installed and then not overwrite the old config?
(I am talking about the layout manager etc.)

06-29-2005, 06:22 PM
I will update the installation scripts soon, I just want to get this problem fixed first so everyone can have a working copy.

06-29-2005, 07:34 PM
I still get the same problem with v0.12.
"PokerAce Heads Up Display is not responding."
Need to use the Task Manager to kill it.

06-29-2005, 07:42 PM
Thanks for letting me know. Could you turn logging on and send me the log file? Thanks.

06-29-2005, 08:40 PM
I am still having the same problem with this new version. Itjust stalls and doesn't update. I need to restart the app all the time.

06-29-2005, 08:56 PM
I'm having a problem where 2 of the windows I am playing are found by PA HUD while the other two are not recognized at all. I don't see any difference in the window titles. I've turn on logging, restarted it (v 0.0012) but still no luck.

06-29-2005, 09:05 PM
I'm working on the locking up problem right now.

If you have some tables not being found, make sure you have the Party skin directories set correctly.

06-29-2005, 09:25 PM
I'm working on the locking up problem right now.

If you have some tables not being found, make sure you have the Party skin directories set correctly.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, since two of the Eurobet tables are found, doesn't that mean the directories are set correctly? I'm only playing one skin, but half of the tables are detected while the other half aren't.

06-29-2005, 09:41 PM
So it finds two of your Eurobet tables, but misses the other two. I misunderstood the problem.

Are they all Hold'em Cash game tables? There's currently no support for tournaments (STT or MTT) and Hold'em is the only game type supported. What's different about the two tables that aren't showing up?

06-29-2005, 09:46 PM
So it finds two of your Eurobet tables, but misses the other two. I misunderstood the problem.

Are they all Hold'em Cash game tables? There's currently no support for tournaments (STT or MTT) and Hold'em is the only game type supported. What's different about the two tables that aren't showing up?

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't find anything different about the tables. One was a table I added a while ago, the other is the last table I opened. All .5/1 full ring FL hold'em tables. I tried looking for differences in the window titles or something else but couldn't find any. I've got log files but I'm not sure if they will show up at all; I can send them to you if you need them.

06-29-2005, 09:59 PM
I took a screenshot displaying my 8 tables with PA Hud running and...

[/ QUOTE ]

Beautiful tables! I'm attempting to emulate them right now... Are those images available for download anywhere?

06-29-2005, 09:59 PM
So the tables aren't showing up in the table list at all? That's really odd.

I'd like to take a look at the log file. Also, could you look in the eurobet directory and send me a copy of all the .HHF files?

06-29-2005, 10:09 PM
I really appreciate you guys being patient while I try to figure out where these lockups are happening. Some people have no problems at all and some people are plagued with them. I'm doing my best to sort this out, and I appreciate your help.

I did find a problem with the minimize to system tray function, and I may have also found another problem causing the lockups. I created version 0.12 that fixes these problems in addition to adding some extra logging to help me pinpoint problems if they still exist.

So if you're having problems with the program locking up, please download version 0.12 from the website:


Be sure to let me know if this solves any of your problems.

[/ QUOTE ]

downloading .12 didn't help....maybe worse...check your email, I will send you my logs

New York Jet
06-29-2005, 11:08 PM
Please update this to work for SNGs and MTTs!!! I expect your PayPal account to overflow once you do.

06-29-2005, 11:24 PM
I've almost got popup stats working. SnG and MTT support is next on the list.

06-29-2005, 11:26 PM
A malware scan found the following in PAHud-Install-v0.12.exe: W32.Generic

Is there an explanation?

06-29-2005, 11:32 PM
Are you on a witch hunt tonight, or are all of your scary posts lately legit?

06-29-2005, 11:39 PM
Are you on a witch hunt tonight, or are all of your scary posts lately legit?

[/ QUOTE ]

Run the file through this service: http://virusscan.jotti.org/

06-29-2005, 11:59 PM
One virus scanner out of thirteen detected a virus. You don't think there's a chance it's a false alarm? A lot of these virus scanners are very "optimistic" when it comes to detecting viruses they don't really know about.

I can assure you, I am not trying to infect your computer. I can also assure you that I am very careful with what I download and keep my own virus scanner up to date. So there's about a 0.001% chance there's a virus on my computer. Odds are very good this is just the "intellegence" inside the virus scanner misdetecting somethinig.

06-30-2005, 12:03 AM
One virus scanner out of thirteen detected a virus. You don't think there's a chance it's a false alarm? A lot of these virus scanners are very "optimistic" when it comes to detecting viruses they don't really know about.

I can assure you, I am not trying to infect your computer. I can also assure you that I am very careful with what I download and keep my own virus scanner up to date. So there's about a 0.001% chance there's a virus on my computer. Odds are very good this is just the "intellegence" inside the virus scanner misdetecting somethinig.

[/ QUOTE ]

All good points. I just wanted to share information that I found important.

06-30-2005, 12:35 AM
The mucked hand at showdown display is the coolest thing ever. Well done!

06-30-2005, 01:28 AM
I am using version .11 and I have noticed that new players entering a table do not show stats. I have the min hands set to 1 and if I exit and restart then they show up fine. All players who have stats already will continue to get updated, but those to join after I have started PA Hud do not get stats. I am thinking that you may have a bug in how you check for new players.

I will try the new version and if it happens there then I will try the enable logging.


06-30-2005, 02:00 AM
I had another idea, which may be tricky to get right, but would be brilliant if it could be made to work.
If we're willing to ignore the chat box (or maybe provide a quick toggle), we have a fair amount of real estate, with the right font, maybe enough for something like this

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre> Seat1 seat2 persn3 usernm user#5 max6ch playa7 numba8 seat09 seat10
Fl 9s 6 kC kC kF B F C
Tu 7B 4 kR kF BC F
Ri 10.5B 2 B C
persn3 wins $57 from the main pot with a straight, nine to king. </pre><hr />
damn proportional fonts. paste into notepad and its a lot clearer.

06-30-2005, 02:17 AM
I tried version .12 and had the same problem. I have sent you the log file from version .12 now.

Let me know if you would like any more info about this problem.


06-30-2005, 02:21 AM
Okay, after spending all afternoon and all evening and all night on this problem, I think I finally fixed the locking up problems. I'm going to spend some more time testing it, but I will be uploading a new version in an hour or so.

There should be no more locking up issues, the stat refresh issues should be gone too.

06-30-2005, 02:22 AM
Does this work with PTO, or just PT for Hold 'em?

06-30-2005, 03:25 AM
Right now, there is only support for PT Hold'em. Omaha support will come later.

06-30-2005, 03:25 AM
Okay, I'm pretty sure I've fixed all the lockup problems now. It only took 12 hours of debugging, but I think I did it.

Download version 0.13 if you were experiencing any sort of problems. Please let me know if you continue to have problems.


06-30-2005, 04:14 AM
Is there a problem with the website ? I'm getting an unable to find error message when clicking the link.

Thanks Paul

06-30-2005, 04:40 AM
Is there a problem with the website ? I'm getting an unable to find error message when clicking the link.

Thanks Paul

[/ QUOTE ]

Its working fine for me...

06-30-2005, 04:41 AM
Right now, there is only support for PT Hold'em. Omaha support will come later.

[/ QUOTE ]

Any estimation on when this will happen? I would really love this, and don't want to shell out another $50 for PV+. I'll gladly donate a number under that, but still a respectable sum /images/graemlins/smile.gif

06-30-2005, 06:30 AM
in firefox i right click and go save link as, error message comes back as "unable to find link or web page has been moved" . I get similar results in IE. Anyone else having this problem or is it just me ?

06-30-2005, 08:32 AM
I have had no problem with this version after a few hours using it.

06-30-2005, 11:32 AM
Beautiful tables! I'm attempting to emulate them right now... Are those images available for download anywhere?

[/ QUOTE ]

Here you go, available for all. Sorry, I can not provide PSD file, only the images...

Image Installation:

1. Make a backup copy of your /Images directory.
2. Download the zip file for the skin(s) of your choice.
3. Unzip and overwrite the images in the /Images directory

Full Table Layout Installation:

1. Make a backup of PokerAce Hud/Data/Config/Layouts/Pty_10_Max.pth
2. Download PA Hud Layout File (http://www.prophpdev.com/poker/Pty_10_Max.pth) by Right clicking on the link -&gt; Save Target As
3. Save the layout file to PokerAce Hud/Data/Config/Layouts/Pty_10_Max.pth


Party Poker

Download Party Images (http://www.prophpdev.com/poker/Party_Black.zip)


Empire Poker

Download Empire Images (http://www.prophpdev.com/poker/Empire_Black.zip)


Coral Eurobet

Download Coral Eurobet Images (http://www.prophpdev.com/poker/Eurobet_Black.zip)

06-30-2005, 01:19 PM
after AP10 recommended this I checked it out today

very nice program thanx PokerAce! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Very similar to PV from what I can see - until it has pop up stats and supports more sites I think I'll stick to GT+ for play - but may still use this in the meantime for scouting Party and skin tables...

Once it gets pop-up stats I'll switch to it I think (and then its definitely worth a donation)

06-30-2005, 01:28 PM
There shouldn't be any problems getting to the website. If you can't get to the main site, here's a direct link to the executable:


Make sure you're not having any firewall issues, because the website seems to be working fine.

06-30-2005, 01:32 PM
Right now, there is only support for PT Hold'em. Omaha support will come later.

[/ QUOTE ]

Any estimation on when this will happen? I would really love this, and don't want to shell out another $50 for PV+. I'll gladly donate a number under that, but still a respectable sum /images/graemlins/smile.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Popup stats is coming next. I've got the popup code working great, I only need to do the configuration stuff now. Once that's released, I'm going to add PostgreSQL support, then I'm going to add SnG support. I'm hoping to have all this done within the next week. Once that's finished, I will decide if I want to add Omaha support or other skin support. It depends on which one people seem to want the most. Either way, Omaha support shouldn't be more than a few weeks away, a month at the most.

06-30-2005, 03:41 PM

Can you add Cold Call to the list of statistics for your software? I would love to see that on the popup as I've wanted that a few times when I am playing.

06-30-2005, 06:53 PM
Thank you! Not even sure what a PSD file is /images/graemlins/confused.gif but you gave me what I wanted! Much appreciated.

06-30-2005, 07:33 PM
I was playing today at 1 full table and 1 six max table and the stats never showed up on the 6 max table. The tabl avg boxes appeared with N/A. The stats showed on the full ring table and refreshed just fine. I played over 50 hands at the 6max table so there was plenty of time for the stats to refresh. Do I have something set up wrong or is this a bug?

06-30-2005, 07:42 PM
I would love to see Omaha supported as well as Pokerstars, UB and Prima. Right now Playerview does Omaha but only Party skins, and Gametime+ does only hold-em but covers more sites. It would be very beneficial to fill the voids that the other 2 programs do not cover.

06-30-2005, 10:18 PM
Check out my announcement of version 0.14. Cold Call % is a new stat along with a few others.

06-30-2005, 10:20 PM
jaym, I think this may have been caused by a bug that has been fixed in version 0.14. Could you download it and let me know if you're still having problems?

07-13-2005, 04:10 AM
Any luck with adapting this to PTO?

07-13-2005, 04:15 PM
http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=&amp;Number=2839669&amp;page=1&amp;view=colla psed&amp;sb=5&amp;o=&amp;fpart=1