View Full Version : 2 quick state of the union thoughts

01-29-2003, 10:37 AM
I only caught the last 15 mins, but Dubya said two things that were disingenuous at best.

1. If we are forced to war.

Forced? LOL. Yeah, we pretty much have no choice on this one, right?

2. We will bring food and medicine.

Only seems right since we have been the driving force for the embargo lasted over ten years now. He expects the Iraqi people to be thankful ? Give me a break.

I hope the rest of the speech was better.

01-29-2003, 11:19 AM
"I hope the rest of the speech was better."

Well, you can hope in one hand and.......

In other words - no, it wasn't.

01-29-2003, 11:54 AM
I caught the part where he claimed that the environment was very important to him and that he was going to take action to save it. Kind of struck me as ironic after you consider the damage he's trying to inflict on it. He also kept using the word "nucular". Is that analogous to some bumpkin asking me if I could spare a hunnert dollars? One last thing struck me. He looks stupid because his eyes are so small and beady. If he were to get an eye job, he'd probably see an immediate 10 point jump in his approval ratings. Of course he'd still sound like an idiot...

01-29-2003, 12:25 PM
I thought it was great how he made logging sound so environmentally sensitive. Hehehe. (I don't oppose logging in general, but I wouldn't make a big environmental issue of it either) The "nucular" thing was very bad. Worse than Carter's new-kee-er because it sounds more trailer trash than speech impediment.

01-29-2003, 06:51 PM
1. If we are forced to war.
Standard fare. I can't think of a world leader in modern history who's ever given his people a reason for war other than it was forced upon them.

2. We will bring food and medicine.
Which is to say that we'll kindly be handing them food and medicine with one hand while the other sets up a pro-American government and writes up some nice trade agreements.