View Full Version : Poker Indicator

06-26-2005, 04:26 PM
Hi, has anyone out there used Poker Indicator? Claims to give you an odds overlay for your tables. Just wanted to see if anyone has tried this, since it might be valuable if it actually worked.


06-26-2005, 06:51 PM
I have it, but it's missing some features in my opinion. Haven't found something that has the basic features I want all in one place.

PI has an "odds of winning" field. But they also state some caveats about it, and don't tell you how they come up with the number. So I can't say if you should trust it or not.

I use it to instantly know the S & M hand group and pot odds at any given moment. Sometimes I use it to compare the pot odds to the odds of making a hand that I think would win as well.

Here's what I think (as a stud player switching to HE) a display like this should have:

Basic features - Software designers take note.

0. Be multi-table compatible. (PI *is not*, only works on one table at a time.) (Another PI aggravation... you leave a table and it shuts down. You have to start it new for every table you go to.)
1. S & M Hand group
2. Odds of hands I can make with my holdings
3. Pot odds
4. Hands opponents can make with the board and some
estimate of the odds that hand is out there. (In specific I have a very hard time seeing possible straights. This display should show me the possible hand types an opponent can make with the board AND what two cards they need to make it.)
5. Track each opponents hole cards for xx hands for me and how they opened with them (call, bet raise, called 2 etc.) AND from where (Early, Middle, Late, SB, BB)

These are the basic things I think are required to make good judgements.

From there I'd like to see these other features

1) A way for the tracker to display a flag when hands *I've* selected have been dealt to me AND my personal conditions for playing them have been met.

2) A flag that tells me when an opponent has done something that I'm watching for

3) Instantly bring up my notes for each player in the hand from my database of notes by having a little tab or button with thier name on it, so I can quickly click on it to get my own profile on them in real time.

4) Betting pattern of each opponent for this hand. E.G.

Player 1 - Bet, called raise, (second play, third, etc.)
Player 2 - Folded to bet
Player 3 - Raised initial bet

Basically a full featured dashboard would show you everything *IN ONE GLANCE* that you need to rapidly decide where you stand. Even if multitabling on a small screen and tables are popping up and down etc. Each instance should stick to the table it represents.

THAT would make a fairly complete players dashboard.

If there are any software developers out that that want to work with me on these ideas, that'd be cool. I can't program on the new small platforms, but I do have 20 years IT experience in the mainframe world. So high level design is something I ought to be able to help design and work through the ergonomics issues on.