View Full Version : PT on 2 machines - combining data

06-22-2005, 05:43 PM
Just got PT today and have it on laptop and desktop. What's the best way to combine data between the two, keeping in mind the combining would be done frequently? If I just copy files over, will it recognize duplicate hands and not count them twice?

06-22-2005, 06:18 PM
PT is great...

If you copy hand files back and forth...
PT will recognize and reject duplicates.

But best way to keep synchronized:

(1) PT stores all data in MS Access databases...
At least 2 for each each "PT Database"...
Called "ptrackXX.mdb" (player data) and "hhdbXX.mdb" (game data).

(2) These are all in c:\Program Files\Poker Tracker V2\

(3) At the very least... just keep all the ".mdb" files synchronized on both machines.

(4) They may also be ".ldb" files and other "config"
files... but the ".mdb" files are 90% of the ballgame.


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