View Full Version : Hotkey program for multi tabling

06-20-2005, 07:30 PM
I've posted this on the Internet gambling forum with no useful responses, so I'll try here.

Is there a program that would enable you to set your own hot keys for betting/raising/calling/checking/folding? I would like to 6-8 NL table on one PC using MultiTableHelper (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Number=2458555&page=2&view=c ollapsed&sb=5&o=)) and have a few hot keys to make this more efficient. I've read a few posts referring to something like that, but I thought that would only work with limit games.

I was giving this some thought and not sure how you would bet/raise in NL, but is this possible to do. Program/make hot keys for the num pad on the right side of a keyboard. Have 1-9 be raises in magnitude of the big blind, so that in a .10/.25 game pressing 1 gives $.25, 2-$.50, 3-$.75, 4-$1 and so forth. Past 9x the plus and minus keys could add or subtract another blind when you press the button. 0 could be check/fold, decimal could be call, and multiplication would be all-in. After pressing 1-9 you would have to press enter to confirm the bet/raise so you don't mistakenly put the wrong amount in.

So is this possible or has this been done or does anyone want to code up something like it? I'm thinking that using this along with the auto focus of MTH doing even 8-12 tables on one monitor would not only be possible, but efficient and easy.


Thanks for any input


06-21-2005, 01:14 AM

06-21-2005, 01:57 AM
Thanks for the link, in their forums I found a link to this site http://www.onlinepokerfaq.com/guide/mouseless-poker.html which has a guide and a pre made script. I'll have to look into it a bit more, think it will be easy to set up the check/call/fold keys but the raising part will be a little hard.

Does anyone else use this program to hotkey actions?

06-21-2005, 07:21 AM
I think you just gave me the best idea so far for an update /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Next version will have a feature where you can map keys to actions, and of course only the "active" window will interpret these actions, so you shouldn't have focus problems. This should make multi tabling a breeze /images/graemlins/smile.gif

06-21-2005, 09:38 AM
I was just about to post on your MTH thread bout combining these two programs uses. What I'm planning on doing once I read up somewhat on the script language used by AHK is to make it work for NL gaming where I would have 1-9 be worth a certain amount and also make the + and - keys add on a value and subtract it from a bet. Now if you can add all that functionality to your software....I would be very ecstatic about using it. Btw, any chance of including more sites besides the party skins, think something like this would be great for bonus clearing on cryptic logic sites.

06-21-2005, 09:52 AM
Currently i don't have any plans regarding other sites, there's simply too much work involved compared to my own gain.

My idea of the hotkeys wills imply be to make the backspace button clear the bet value field, and then any numbers you type will be entered to the value field, whether is has focus or not. Pressing R for raise, F for fold and C for check would then be like pressing the actual buttons. These buttons could of course be configured simply by changing a text file.

06-21-2005, 08:20 PM
We'll this is what I've whipped up so far with AHK for playing NL games

MouseClick, left, 240, 485 ;Location of the fold button

MouseClick, left, 400, 485 ;Location of the check/call button

;Bet 1x Big Blind
MouseClick, left, 400, 485 ;Same as check/call button

;Bet 2x Big Blind
MouseClick, left, 350, 445 ;Clicks on the betting box two times to highlight the number
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
Send, {BS} ;deletes the highlighted text
Sleep, 100
Send, 0.50 ;types in this amount and presses the raise key
MouseClick, left, 560, 480

;Bet 3x Big Blind
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
Send, {BS}
Sleep, 100
Send, 0.75
MouseClick, left, 560, 480

;Bet 4x Big Blind
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
Send, {BS}
Sleep, 100
Send, 1
MouseClick, left, 560, 480

;Bet 5x Big Blind
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
Send, {BS}
Sleep, 100
Send, 1.25
MouseClick, left, 560, 480

;Bet 6x Big Blind
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
Send, {BS}
Sleep, 100
Send, 1.50
MouseClick, left, 560, 480

;Bet 7x Big Blind
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
Send, {BS}
Sleep, 100
Send, 1.75
MouseClick, left, 560, 480

;Bet 8x Big Blind
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
Send, {BS}
Sleep, 100
Send, 2
MouseClick, left, 560, 480

;Bet 9x Big Blind
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
MouseClick, left, 350, 445
Send, {BS}
Sleep, 100
Send, 2.25
MouseClick, left, 560, 480

[/ QUOTE ]

The x,y coordinates are good for empire poker (tested on play money). So far 1-9 bets 1x-9x the big blind, 0 is fold, and decimal is call/check. The last part, which I'm not sure how to tackle is to set up the plus and minus keys so that they either decrease or increase the bet.

I want to have + be set at 10x the big blind the first time I press it, 11x the second time, 12x the third, and so forth. Now from taking a little bit of java before I know that this would involve setting a variable for the bet along with an if/else statement with a loop inside...problem is I can't figure out how to write that up.

Another thing I'd like to do...don't know if anyone here knows specific AHK commands, but I'd want the arrow keys to switch the focused window...sorta like alt+tab but I want to have 2 rows of 3-4 windows and I can just go through them by pressing up, down, left, right. Since OrcaDK doesn't plan on supporting other sites, I think this would be useful if I can't use MTH.

So can anyone with some programming experience offer some help?



06-22-2005, 12:01 AM
Currently i don't have any plans regarding other sites, there's simply too much work involved compared to my own gain.

My idea of the hotkeys wills imply be to make the backspace button clear the bet value field, and then any numbers you type will be entered to the value field, whether is has focus or not. Pressing R for raise, F for fold and C for check would then be like pressing the actual buttons. These buttons could of course be configured simply by changing a text file.

[/ QUOTE ]

hey OrcaDK, this would be great! Would it be possible configure these commands on a gamepad controller. I think it would be a lot more useful if I could press the buttons on my PC gamepad then looking for the buttons on my keyboard. Thanks.