View Full Version : AC Limit Poker Betting Questions

06-19-2005, 10:19 AM
I couldn't find the answer to these questions in the otherwise excellent AC Poker Wiki. I'm taking my first trip to AC in a few weeks so I need to know:

1. How many bets before the betting is capped? Four, five, or more?

2. Does the cap still apply once you're heads-up with an opponent?

3. Are these rules consistent from room to room or do they vary?


06-19-2005, 11:37 AM
There are inconsistant rules between rooms in AC, but this is not one of them. Four bets, three raises is the cap. No cap when heads up at the time of the cap. If a third player is in at the time the fourth bet goes in, but folds leaving action head up the cap is in effect for that betting round.

Inconsistancies come on showdown. Taj opens from button on checked throught river, the standard rule most card rooms use. The Borgata and Tropicana revert to last aggressive action, like stud.

Enjoy your trip. You will love Atlantic City. It is a great place to be this time of year.
