View Full Version : PV when first opening a table.

06-18-2005, 02:12 PM

I open a table. I tell PV to update. It gives all the table averages as "N/A" and doesn't put any stats up.

The HHF file doesn't tell you who's at the table until a little while after the first complete hand that you see is done.

Therefore PV doesn't know who's at the table right away and can't display data?

Is this true, or is there some way to get the info faster (both before you sit down AND before someone else sits down at a high pot table)?


edit: GT+ have this problem, for those that use both?

re-edit: Yes, just did an experiment and it appears that a hand DOES have to complete before you get any data displayed by PV.

I guess that it searches the HHF to see who is in what seat and displays like that, which explains the screw up over the 9-max tables and that it displays old stats after someone else sits in a recently vacated seat.


So.... how exactly does GT+ work then? Does it have the same problem?


06-18-2005, 03:43 PM
Therefore PV doesn't know who's at the table right away and can't display data?

Is this true, or is there some way to get the info faster (both before you sit down AND before someone else sits down at a high pot table)?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes it's true, no there isn't a way. PV uses the hhf files, but when you join a table in the middle of a hand, the current hand will have an incomplete hand history.

So.... how exactly does GT+ work then? Does it have the same problem?

[/ QUOTE ]

GT+ will only list a table once you've been dealt in a hand, and it's in the PT DB.

06-18-2005, 03:50 PM
cool (though it sucks)
