View Full Version : looking for a programmer: table selection software,

06-18-2005, 07:33 AM
im currently using poker-edge and its a fantastic program. this is especially true for table selection because the stats overlay within seconds of entering a new table.

what i would like to see is software designed to automatically open tables of a specified limit and if the pokeredge table vpip is (defined variable) or higher, then the software automatically seats you at an open seat. if the table vpip is lower than the defined variable, it closes the window and keeps opening tables until it finds an appropriate table for you to sit at.

is this possible? id be willing to pay money for a functional version of this.

i have another idea, but i dont think this is possible. i would be willing to pay BOATLOADS to someone who could design a program that could estimate what the most profitable games are ranging from specified limit to specified limit. basically, if the program could somehow scan all the tables on party for table vpip/pfr stats and then somehow report to me which tables/stakes it estimates to be most profitable this would be perfect. i assume that it would have to run server side, but that would probably require complex coding to program. however, you could charge a monthly fee for this and i know that i personally would be willing to pay a good deal for it.

just some thoughts. lmk.