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View Full Version : USA, wimps?

10-03-2001, 10:50 PM
I guess we're going to take this one in the shorts. Once again, we have failed to do squat. Believe me, the rest of the world is laughing behind our backs. In fact, they are ROFLTFA'sO!!!!

We just got hammered. Things will quiet down for a few years, I already see the appeasement happening. Then WHAM!!!!!!!

Let's start shelling out more dollars to foreign nations. That might help? lol

Friggin Saudi Arabi, what HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!! We will not allow any soldiers on our soil who wage war against Arabs or Muslims?,,,,,, UNLESS ITS IRAQ!!!! Next time they call for our help, we should give them a busy signal!!!!! I wish we could get some leaders in here with some real balls. Bush talks the talk, but doe's he walk the walk?!!! Nice speech, but I want some hardcore action taken soon, and I'm not talkin military. I want these punk-ass nations who depend on us to cower in fear.

I'm so friggin ticked right now it's unbelievable. Enough of this coalition talk! America has one true friend, Great Britian! They have never forgotten WWII, and have the same morals and beliefs that we cherish. They are always behind us, no matter how hot it gets.

that is all,

dannyboy :o)

10-03-2001, 11:07 PM

10-03-2001, 11:19 PM
what they may be doing is using this time to round up and squash as many terrorist orgs they can find in the world before they can get back at us. plus they do have to give afganistan a chance to turn bin laden over as you cant just attack a country that didnt personally do the deed. once they find they cant get him then the sh**t will fly. also they have the delicate task of getting him without hurting many innocent civilians, or we will be viewed just like him.

remember we stand as countries in the western world but they stand as a religion in their space.

10-04-2001, 01:45 AM
>"Believe me, the rest of the world is laughing behind our backs."

Yeah, so? Who gives a shit!

>"I wish we could get some leaders in here with some real balls."

Que Macho.

>"I'm so friggin ticked right now it's unbelievable"

Having a bad run of cards this week are we?

10-04-2001, 09:54 AM
So, what about the money we're sending over there? Now, Joe Biden wants to build up Afghanistan a la the Marshall Plan because he thinks that terrorists can't function in a vibrant economy. Didn't Japan have a nerve gas attack a few years back? And what about Northern Ireland? It's not like the UK is destitute. Terrorists don't need a good reason to blow things up they need any reason and sending a few billion dollars over there to modernize them is money wasted on people who hate us. Cut off Foreign aid to anyone who doesn't cooperate. Let's let our money do the dirty work and look long and hard before giving away billions.

10-04-2001, 11:07 AM
i agree that sending aid to just try and get someone to be a friend is foolish and a total waste. but i do see giving some food aid to those that flee and are starving. its crazy to give enough money for anyone not on our side to improve their economy which can come back to haunt us.

10-04-2001, 11:33 AM
America has one true friend, Great Britian! They have never forgotten WWII, and have the same morals and beliefs that we cherish. They are always behind us, no matter how hot it gets.


Well, there is Australia... and New Zealand... I can't think of the last time either of those countries didn't publicly support the US position on anything, even though you keep screwing us by subsiding farmers and ignoring the WTO's decision that this contravenes international free trade regulations. But hey, we're not real countries, right?

And so Great Britain damn well should be grateful for WWII! What with the Americans immediately joining the fight against the Nazis threatening to invade Britain... or wait, did they sit back and do nothing until the United States was attacked? I dunno, who can remember... it was so long ago...

It astounds me that you think the United States should act with MORE blatant self-interest. I wouldn't have thought it was possible.


10-04-2001, 03:58 PM
Whoa! Do you realize how hypocritical the US foreign policy is, before you go jumping on Saudi Arabia?

__________________________________________________ ______________

Friggin Saudi Arabi, what HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!! We will not allow any soldiers on our soil who wage war against Arabs or Muslims?,,,,,, UNLESS ITS IRAQ!!!! Next time they call for our help, we should give them a busy signal!!!!!

__________________________________________________ _______________

They are going to call the US for help? For what? Selling THEIR oil? Do you realize who props up the current Saudi government? Do you know how much money we make off these guys by selling American weapons to them? The Saudis are (or were up until pretty recently) the No. 2 buyer of US weapons in the WORLD, behind only Taiwan. Believe me, the US needs that current stooge government in power plenty. And we say we "stand for democracy and freedom"? How do you think these stooges stay in power?

10-04-2001, 08:21 PM
When the Republican Guard was knocking on THEIR door. Who did they turn too? How much did we spend in that war? Plenty baby.

Arms sales to Saudi is a drop in the bucket compared to the next OPEC MEETING!!!!

Of course it was in our best interest to defend Saudi, but we still came out on the short end of the stick. And they are still sitting in their mansions!! I've been to Saudi, and 90% of that country live like kings. It's really amazing. Hey, if your in to construction, and landscaping, and want to make 100K a year. Do a search on the internet and find out how to work in Saudi. Because, believe me, those people do no manual labor at all. You just won't be able drink beers! lol But I sucked it up for 3 months.

It's time to pay the piper, and I hope Bush lays the law down to MECCA! That's their big cop-out. We have MECCA, what are we to do????!! OOOOOHH NOOOOO please leave us alone.

I have a feeling Rumsfield was sent to lay the smackdown. I hope so. I'm getting a little more confident in what I've been hearing the last couple of days. All you milk sop liberals can kiss my a**. See ya at the USPC!

that is all,

dannyboy :o)

10-04-2001, 09:53 PM
I didn't mean to exclude the Aussies and New Zealanders! You are our brothers also. I spouted off in the heat of the moment. I've always wanted to visit Australia, and I hope to some day. I actually want to go an a Great White sightseeing expedition. My girl and I are saving for a trip to somewhere, we just haven't decided where yet!!! Please help me!! She want's to go to Disney World???!!!!!

that is all,

dannyboy :o)

10-04-2001, 09:56 PM

10-04-2001, 11:06 PM
Most of you rambling idots seem to have forgotten those pictures on TV Sept 11, those bueatiful trade towers come trashing down murdering over 7000 souls,(death toll still keeps on climbing) let alone killing over hundreds fireman and policeman, and all I here is your bitching about foreign policies! what is it Americas fault give me break!!! You numbnutzz cant seem to comprehend that devastating evil tragedy as an act of WAR!!!! What happened on Sept 11, is an act of war,maliciousness, no respect of life, or liberty,pure rotten evil happen on that day and all read is "red, diaper, dopers babies"whinnin about bad foreign policies, HEY, wake up! DOSENT justify what happened. I hope the president doesen't lose his resolve, but seeks out to destoyed this wicked evil and soon.

10-05-2001, 02:03 PM
Who said that the terrorists were right? Who said that they should not have to face justice? Not me. But I'm sick and tired of the fact that every time somebody makes a valid criticism of the US you have to listen to some thoughtless yahoo try to label him as un-American. If you disagree with the US foreign policy, you must be a "pinko commie". Especially irksome is the notion of "if you don't like it here, you can always leave." Maybe its time the thoughtless yahoos leave. They seem to have problem with the fact that in a free state one can criticize the government without fear of being executed. I'm sure there are plenty of monolithic rogue states that have armies just itching to accept some war-hungry idiots.

10-05-2001, 05:48 PM
Look, the USA has problems. Who doesn't? But please, give it a rest!!!

We're trying to do everything here. We're trying to hold onto our power not because we want to annex every country in the world, or make everyone act like us, or determine every child's religion. We try to hold onto power to keep ourselves safe. When we intervene in other countries, it is to keep strategic oil out of dangerous hands or strategic locations away from dangerous foes or simply to keep evil people from killing our citizens. That's what it is always about.

And we're trying to help. We send phenomenal amounts of foreign aid across the world, both in times of crisis and not. We support democracy, tolerance, and peace. Sometimes we do things that I am not proud of as an American, usually with hooded justification as a "means to an end," but I would contend with the incredible myriad of good things and good intentions we show, that we deserve forgiveness for those mistakes and the continued support of our "allies".

And we practice the same tolerance we preach. No country allows more immigrants than the U.S. In fact, I believe the last I checked, if you add up every industrial nation in the world, the USA still receives more immigrants than them all combined. No country allows more opinionated, often ludicrously so, open discussion. And we have always stood for religious freedom and tolerance.

But the USA makes mistakes. Sometimes, it is due to idiotic citizens, sometimes due to overzealous or greedy politicians and businessmen. That does not mean the USA is not great, and it certainly does not mean than it is right for others to attack the nation or withhold support when it is needed! You can have your opinion; I will never take that away from you or your right to express it. But don't get offended or throw a temper tantrum if someone comes back at you and tells you to shut up.

Bottom line...there are valid criticisms, but the pros outweigh the cons. So chill out, get off your high horse, and let's keep all of us safe...even if that means fighting a war when we would prefer peace.


10-05-2001, 07:06 PM
I haven't attacked anyone. I state my views, and let the chips fall where they may, so to speak. You reply with the subject line of "Irksome garbage". It seems to me you can't handle any kind of debate.

that is all,

dannyboy :o)

10-05-2001, 07:56 PM
I wasn't replying to your post. My post is under that of Roguepoker's. It was his post I was replying to. I don't have a problem with anyone pointing out their views. However when someone starts calling people "rambling idiots", "red, diaper, doper babies" and then make a post where you show you don't have a clue (the official missing persons count was actually DECREASED, due to the fact that some of the foreign countries who had people in the WTC sent duplicate missing persons lists), I feel I have to respond.

10-05-2001, 08:13 PM

10-05-2001, 08:15 PM

10-05-2001, 08:17 PM

10-05-2001, 09:56 PM
I'm surprised that more people haven't expressed your opinion. I predict that the American public will. Bush's problem is how to do this as a war. Counterinsurgency techniques have been shown to work well only by the french in Algiers. Everywhere else (Chechnya, South Africa, Vietnam, Northern Ireland)the quagmires either have gone on forever, or the country using the techniques abandons the fight.